View Full Version : Sitting in my car and a mess

07-08-12, 14:41
I'm sitting in a tesco car park panicking myself crazy.
I can't get the thought out my head that in seriously I'll, I can't believe that anxiety, depression and ibs can be doing this to my body.
I get bouts of nausea, bubbly stomach, feeling of gagging with something in my throat, tired and stinging eyes, can't bothered with anything, and no appetite.
I have tried and tried to rationalise with myself but just don't work! I'm too weak and have been beaten by it. I almost started crying a minute ago!
Can these symptoms realty be caused by my own head!
Feel total crap.

07-08-12, 14:48
Yes they can and you are not alone and I often sit and cry..you will beat the anxiety. I was like that for about a year until I got control over it. I was the same again last week but only because I have fractured my foot and started getting anxious about it. You are doing the right thing talking to others. Try to take slow breaths to calm yourself down...you will overcome it.

07-08-12, 14:50

Yes all that crap can be caused by anxiety, depression and ibs. I have them all and have had them for years. For me bulk fibre helps immensely with the ibs and sleep and exercise assist on the anxiety and depression. Also, let out the tears that sometimes helps too. I know it sucks and I wish I had the answer to take away all our pain but I don't. Just know that we are here for you and that anxiety can and almost certainly is the root of your symptoms.


07-08-12, 14:54
I'm not strong enough anymore, and there is no way out, I have had this over ten years and no change. Can't do it anymore, I'm just to tired and beaten by it

07-08-12, 15:00
I wish there was something I could say that would make you feel better right now. It is so hard to cope with but don't let it beat you! We are here to support you and I have been where you are now. I sometimes have little relapses but tell myself that it will not last. Have you tried CBT? That really helped me to think more positively. :hugs: :hugs:

07-08-12, 15:11
I just read a few of your threads and it seems like you have been on and off Citalopram for a while and have been off the tablets for a year and have been going downhill?
I noticed a post of yours from 2008 where you said the Citalopram was helping?

Do you think starting up another round of an SSRI might help and try to take them every day even though you may feel better? Also staying on them for longer like several years may be helpful?

What do you think?


07-08-12, 16:37
I was given them last week but took one and made me feel awful, also feel so disappointed in myself for being off for so long but now having to go back.

07-08-12, 17:06
Don't feel bad about having to take the tablets again, yes It would be nice not to need them but some of us will need to take them long term and there is absolutely no shame in that.

You probably don't need telling about the horrid start up phase of these tablets but if they helped in the past they can help again. I was the same, kept starting/stopping them, felt OK, relapsed etc.

Why not give them another try, yes you may feel extra rotten for a bit but when they start working it will give you the boost you need to get out of the funk you seem to be in?

I know how horrible you feel now but it need not always be this way. I found help primarily in the Citalopram which gave me the boost to make other positive changes in myself. The best thing I found was setting goals in things I enjoy doing and when well enough actually start doing them.



07-08-12, 17:09
Thank you

07-08-12, 17:13
I have been on medication for 8 years but if it makes me feel better I will stay on it. My husband has heart problems and has to take medication for the rest of his life. Anxiety is also a physical illness so if it can be sorted with medication there is no shame in taking it so long is it makes your life better. I hope you start feeling better soon :hugs: