View Full Version : stool sample help!!!

07-08-12, 15:56
hi all ive been on 4 types of tablets for acid reflux for last 3 months i requested more of current ones and asked if was strongest dose as still was bad the doctor asked me to do a stool sample, i did one 2 months ago and was normal so what does a stool sample actually test for?

it says on my form h poly so assuming they testing for that but read on website you shouldnt be on ppis least 4 weeks before ive been taking lansoprozole will that affect it?

mostly affected by constant trapped wind chest tight feel like bubble stuck in throat always burping and can be painful middle back and left neck/arm.

anyone else have this?

im freaking out does stool test for cancer my grandad is dying of bowel cancer guess this made my anxiety worse.


sheryl x