View Full Version : Reassurence needed bad

07-08-12, 19:50
Stabbing chestpain on and off. Well nothing yesterday, only in the morning along with the hard to breathe feelin (I can cope with that last part since I know its anxiety, or learned to deal with it).
Anyway, the pain on top left side and when it comes it feels like tightness or like I get palps right when I get it. I wouldnt say its constanst. Off and on now and then. Of course when I start to freak out about it along comes pain in left arm. I guess if I knew that it was leftleg pain I would get it there.

I dont know if anyone else has experienced this. I've been suffering from anxiety/panicanxiety and health anxiety for like 13 years or so by now. I've had a rough time lately with a lot of anxiety due to things in my life goin wrong and also drinking to calm the anxiety (I've decided to get help for my anxiety again and stop drinking and stay sober for life)

I read of someone else having these symptoms in another thread but I cant find it.

Fear is not rational, that is why I need you guys. I appreciate you helpin me out all the time. Answers and comfort needed. Im in a really bad place at the moment. :weep:

Anxious lu
07-08-12, 20:30
I have only been aware of my anxiety for a couple of months but for the past couple of days I have experienced pain in my back left shoulder and left arm. This came on after having some kind of heart burn for a couple of days.
I didn't know it was heart burn so wonder if the aches came on due to stressing over my chest.
Anxiety seems to just effect everything..! x

07-08-12, 20:42
I get this all the time, exactly as you describe. Stabbing pains in my chest, in my arm and in my back. It definitely is just anxiety.

07-08-12, 21:31
Thanks anxious for your reply.

And Jsp, thanks. It calmed me a lot to read you experience the same thing.

Thank you both. Still anxious but not as panicy.