View Full Version : spotting after exercise

07-08-12, 20:50
hi ive recently started going to the gym and i think im ovulating today but when ive finished exercising ive noticed im spotting as anyone else spotted after exercise its never happened before could it be because im exercising while im ovulating x

07-08-12, 20:59
It is probably a complete coincidence to be honest.

07-08-12, 21:59
I agree with nic. There's no reason for Exerxise to cause that you are fine

08-08-12, 00:31
ive just read up and exercise can cuse spotting if your ovulating but your right it may be a coincidence i would be interested to know if this has happened to nyone else on the forum though x

08-08-12, 21:16
anyone else x

09-08-12, 18:14
Yes, it used to happen to me. I mentioned it to my gynaecologist and he wasn't concerned. Used to notice it if i did stomach crunches - maybe womb contracts a little. Please don't worry, i am sure it is ok

10-08-12, 15:29
hi RosieXXX thats what i was doing alot of stomach crunches thankyou thats reasuring x

10-08-12, 17:14

This happened to me a couple of months ago, I was doing a lot of cardio work and when I got home I noticed it.

I panicked a bit to be honest as it has never happened before but after reading on woman's forums it looks like it's quite common, something to do with the oestrogen levels being low.

Take care

10-08-12, 18:43
so glad im not the only one x