View Full Version : Neck lump. :(

07-08-12, 20:51
Hey all, I'm over my heart attack fear now...

Anyways, on to the next one, eh?

So, around 5 months ago I noticed this 'lump' in my neck. It is just below and behind the edge of my jaw on the right side. It is hard, and I can sort of 'pop' it back and forth (with slight pain). It is only on my right side, which worries me even more. :/ I am 16, no (that I know of) history in my family of cancer. Another thing I get sometimes is this tight feeling, and ache deep in my bones everywhere which mean the cancer may have spread to my bones. :(

The lump is about the size and shape of a grape, and has grown a little bit since last time I noticed it. Something odd about it, though, is that I can feel apulse directly through it... It seems like it's attached to the muscle in my neck.

Any help or insight is greatly appreciated. I've been looking up info on chemo and such, and I'm not ready for any of it.

07-08-12, 20:58
It will be a Lymph node most likely

07-08-12, 22:23
Thanks for the suggestion, I'm almost certain at this point I have it. I'm not sure how to go about telling my mom...

07-08-12, 22:49
Telling her what sorry?