View Full Version : feel like a failure

22-07-06, 21:06
Hi everyone
Just need to get this out. I was supposed to be going bowling tonight for my leaving do as i finished work yesterday, i knew it would be hard as i havent had an evening out in ages but i bought something nice to wear, got all dressed up, took my beta blockers & rescue remedy & thought id be fine. As i went to get in the car i felt like i was going to be sick & got tummy pains so iv ended up not going. So frustrated, upset & angry at myself feel like im never gonna be my old self again, just want this stupid anxiety to go away. Sorry been whinging a lot lately just having a bad couple of weeks.
Take care love & hugs
Suzy xx :(

Will Loynes
22-07-06, 21:23
Hi Suzy,
try not to be to hard on yourself, you had the best intentions of going tonite.I know its upsetting but at least you tried to make the effort. Be kind to yourself and try not to dwell to long on tonight, I know its very hard to do. Its a horrible thing when anxiety gets the better of us all.

Hope you feel a bit happier and less frustrated soon


22-07-06, 21:42
Hi Suzy,

You're not whinging, this is what we're all here for - to express ourselves amongst others who'll understand.

I do hope you let the others know you couldn't make it....?
They could be sat there well in to their old age muttering to each other "what's the time?" "is she here yet?"

Sorry, just trying to cheer you up on a bad night![:I]

It's easy to feel you've let yourself down over this but I've found that for every time I kick myself over not managing to do something, it strengthens my resolve to prove I can do it the next time.

Don't worry yourself too much over this evening, you will enjoy it.....just at a later date!!


22-07-06, 21:56
Aww Suzy I'm sorry you had a bad nite!!!
I understand how upsetting it is when you want to do something and the anxiety just doesn't want to cooperate. Don't let it get you down hun - there's always next time.

22-07-06, 22:50
Suzy i really feel for you hun, it is so frustrating. Try not to be too hard on yourself. As Sandy has said there is always next time. I really hope you get some better days soon.

Take care

'This too will pass'