View Full Version : prescribed citalopram and telephone counselling

08-08-12, 00:16
I went to the Dr today about my overriding obsession about my son turning out to have autism. Tue Dr I saw was a locum but she was really nice. She looked at the list of my worries and also all the things my son can do that are appropriate for his age and she said at this stage she really doesn't see any reason to be concerned about him. She wants to focus on my anxiety. She prescribed me citalopram and referred me for telephone counselling. I am not sure about taking the citalopram. I think it could really help, but I kind of hoped that we could try for another baby some time soon. Rationally I know this is a terrible idea right now with my state of mind and I am barely coping with the two children I do have. It kind of makes me feel sad to think that the possibility is taken away though. I know I could just go on the meds for 6 months and then come off them and we could still try to conceive, in fact that would be the most sensible thing to do. It's just that I will be 36 next year, I don't want to leave it too long. Anyway we aren't even certain we will definitely try for a third child so no idea why I feel so hung up about it. I think I need to just get over it and take them, I just don't feel good about it.

08-08-12, 05:48
Try your medication and get well before you consider having another baby.

I want to have a child. I have wanted this for 10 years. I'm 37. I will work on myself and have a baby when I have found the right partner and I am happy to take on and manage that responsibility fully.

Having another baby right now may bring you comfort initially but will add a lot of stress to you and your family in the long term. Get well first then consider having another baby.

08-08-12, 08:34
Thanks, I know what you're saying makes sense. It may only be 6 months I would need to take it. I had my two kids very close together so I don't want to have a massive age gap if we have a third, but I can't see how I would manage it at the moment anyway, I need to try to get on top of my anxieties about my son.