View Full Version : Tetanus fears

08-08-12, 07:22
Hey all! Been a while since I've been here. I still haven't found an effective technique for getting my health anxiety under control; if it's not one thing it's another!

But anyway, here's what's up. Sometime between 2 weeks to a month ago (I forget when) I scraped my foot up against some metal thing jutting out from the basement floor. Kinda dirty, MAYBE a bit rusty? Not too much. Anyway, it was a very minor scrape, didn't even bleed or anything. However I don't recall if I had washed the wound. Instinctively, I feel like i would have, because this thought would have been on my mind back then--but I don't remember explicitly doing so.

So now, I've got some pain in my jaw, just on one side, like it hurts if open it quite a bit. It just flared up last night, along with kind of a dull--ache? I don't want to call it numbness but it feels kind of like an anesthetic but without the numbness in my jaw. Again only on one side.

I think it's been almost 10 years since my tetanus booster, so I'm due to get another one soon, I probably should head to the CVS to do so. However, I just need some reassurance that this isn't anything to worry about. I feel like it's more likely to be something like TMJ pain. I grind my teeth a fair amount and clench a lot, and usually open my mouth pretty wide for yawning and sometimes eating. But with anxiety I'm freaking out about it. I haven't been grinding my teeth as much lately though, at least I don't think I have, which is why the sudden flare up seemed so out of place.

What do I do guys?

08-08-12, 08:30
I understand that tetanus jabs last much much longer than the reccomended period for your booster and that the period reccomended for boosters is very cautious, so I am sure you will still be protected, but why not speak to your Doc to put your mind at rest.

08-08-12, 10:11
If you had tetanus, it would have happened within a few days, not 2 weeks to a month.
Also, if you had tetanus, you would know about it, you would be really ill.

08-08-12, 19:20
From what my doctor has told me, after you've have your very first tetanus shot, you need another in 6-10 years. After that, you really don't need another until 20 or so years.

08-08-12, 20:37
I had this fear not so long ago. Even though I did check to see that my jabs were up-to-date, which they were, I was still not convinced. I found on a NHS website the following test which helped me.

Spatula test

A spatula test can help confirm tetanus if there is any doubt about the diagnosis. It involves inserting a spatula into the back of your throat.
If you do not have the infection, the spatula will cause a gag reflex and you will try to push the spatula out of your mouth. However, if the tetanus infection is present, the spatula will cause your throat muscles to spasm and you will bite down onto the spatula.


08-08-12, 21:33
Good tip Moneypenny.Thank you:hugs: