View Full Version : Dark/Black spot in stool - freaking out :(

08-08-12, 10:15
My doctor has recently diagnosed IBS, however, I didn't have colonoscopy or other tests. Just bloodwork. It's a really small matter to me, because I haven't got any problems with it recently. No diarrheas, no pains, sometimes too much gas. My stools have always looked rather ok. I'm 23 years old.

Gross mode on :P

Today morning I've noticed a small black, or maybe just very dark, little spot in my brown/yellow stool. It had diameter of... maybe 2-3 mm, something like that. I don't know, i didn't measure. No diarrhea or any other symptoms, no pains, etc.

Gross mode off.

And now I'm losing my mind, because black colour in stool means blood, as far as I know. If blood in stool, then Crohn, ulcers, cancer and other sh**.

Now I'm thinking of what I could eat yesterday so that it looks like this. I ate chopped chives, a little pinch of parsley in the soup, lettuce. Maybe one of them were not digisted properly? Possible or not?

I'm taking Pantoprazole because of my reflux, and Magnesium + B6 vitamin.

My nerves are shattered because of one little dark dot :( I'm done for today. Help.

08-08-12, 10:23
Certain foods n vitamins such as iron can make your stool darker.
I wouldn't worry, it's normal to occasionally get darker stools or darker areas.
If you're still worried, I guess you could ask your doctor about testing a stool sample.

08-08-12, 11:18
Guess I'll have to wait until tomorrow, unless I'm in need for the second time today, to confirm the whole situation.

08-08-12, 14:08
hey dont worry you have darker bits in your poo thats the older poo and lighter bits are newer poo.

ive been scared of my bowels many times i have ibs too, unless they are black black for several bowel movements and blood or tar slimy like then worry.

sheryl x