View Full Version : Spoke too soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!

22-07-06, 21:54
Yesterday i posted in success stories about how well i'd been feeling and today had a panic! typical, i thought i'd turned a corner and it all started again.

I was out shopping and it came over me, i felt so tired and sick almost weak. then the panic started and it took me 2 hours to feel better.

I cant seem to calm myself when i'm out, any ideas? at home i can control it but not if i'm out.

any tips would be appreciated

Thanks Carolyn xx

22-07-06, 22:09
Hi Carolyn -
Ok this is a little off the beaten track and I don't know why it works but I saw a thing on TV a while back about having a rubberband around your wrist and snapping it when you feel the anxiety starting to build and I tried it. OMG it worked - almost like it snaps me back into reality.
Ok I know it's strange but whatever works is a good thing right??!!
Take Care :)

22-07-06, 22:44
Hi Carolyn, it's just a blip hun, we all get them, don't let it get you down from the good steps you've made so far. love the rubberband idea, I'm going to try that! I also take rescue remedy with me in case. Hope you have a better day tomorrow.

Take care

'This too will pass'

22-07-06, 22:50
Thanks for the replies, will try the rubberband idea and let you know.

love Carolyn x

23-07-06, 03:16
plainly put.. relapses suck.. but your not alone.. I posted my success story in December of 2005.. this was my year to take a Stand against Panic.. I thought I had it beat.. I thought I had finally learned how to handle it and right now I'm right on back at square one trying hard as I can to get back to where I was when I wrote that post and I know somewhere deep inside I'll get there again.. Just right now it doesn't feel like it.

I'm having attacks all the time again or so it seems what is what brought me here to this board a year ago.. tired.. frustrated.. and looking for people like me to talk to.. and when I look back on it.. it helped.. more than I ever realized that's why I made the decision to return again.. typing it all out getting it off my mind did indeed make me feel better.. I should never have left in the first place *sad smile*

My issues rest in going out as well.. like right now I'm sitting here trying not to psych myself out I have to go pick up my boyfriend from work soon.. and I hate driving at night.. more so I hate going downtown.. and he works in the heart of it.. but it's something I have to do.. so I have to force myself to do it.. just like I do every weekend..

I honestly think that the best way to approach going out is take it in small steps.. if you drive and you fear it.. take small trips to start off with people you trust.. then work up to small trips by yourself... longer trips with someone.. longer trips without.. until you no longer need the comfort of having someone with you.. I used to take my favorite stuffed animal with me lol.. she's an old ratty mouse but that I've had for like 12 years now but it made me feel better just having her in the car with me.. and if it is going into public places you fear you can do the same steps as driving.. even if you just make your first step walking through the door and walking right back out.. on your next trip walk in purchase one item from the front of the store.. pay and walk back out.. keep going until you can do your shopping without complication...

Recovering is no easy task.. and don't get down on yourself or feel like a failure.. because your not.. and you can get there again.. you already did once.. maybe more times I confess I haven't read your story yet but I wanted to post to you as soon as I read this.. I know it's discouraging.. and it makes you ask yourself.. why me? why can't it just be over.. some day it will be.. but neither of us can give up *hugs*

If you ever need to talk or just want to chat with someone who is in the same position as you right now.. drop me a line =)

~Trina aka Shadowwin

23-07-06, 04:13
Hi carolyn,

I use my nmp wristband to do what sandy suggests and it does work, and a friend of mine pinches herself on the leg and that works too, i do think it brings you back into reality again.

Tale care

Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

23-07-06, 11:12
Hi Carolyn, so sorry you are struggling again.
Try not to let it set you back although I know how hard it is not to.
Hope the rubber band idea works for you.

Take care



23-07-06, 20:14
I just had to reply.. today driving my boyfriend to work I stuck a ponytail holder on my wrist the kind that is basically a cloth covered rubber band well every time I felt my self slip a bit I'd snap it.. and I have to say I'm pretty impressed at how well it brings you back from what ever is starting to get to you.. I'm going to keep trying it for a few weeks see if it contunues to have the same calming effect or if I'll just become used to it after a while.. Can't help but wonder what else might work.. *ponders this*


24-07-06, 14:17
Hi carolyn Im exactly the same someone asked me last week how I was getting on, great I said, so then I went on to have a bad weekend.
I carry around some rescue remedy its just a herbal mouth spray you can get from boots, it does help to take the edge off when you start feeling panicky, it doesnt seem to do any good once your having a full blown attack tho x


26-07-06, 11:11
just a quick one. i find taking my walkman out with me helps. listening to music gives me something to focus on