View Full Version : Worry that not worried

08-08-12, 12:37
Does anyone else get this rather aggrevating notion running through their head.
ok I accept I am of the anxious type and suffer from HA, if i am busy and distracted no worries, but when by myself I can every disease under the sun, and am dying, I try to rationalize these thoughts and gradually the pain, niggle, fear etc will die down over a few days, only to be replaced by a new symptom, currently feel like not getting enough air, but heres the thing in between symptoms i can feel brilliant for at least half a day, then I start to worry that I am not worrying, and that something must be going to happen, and bam will pick up on something that either I have read ie if the paper says we have rumours of say lesser spotted itchy foot, i will get the symptoms and away we go again. It is almost as if my brain is happier worrying

08-08-12, 13:38
I know what you mean...I do the same! I have a fractured foot a the moment and yesterday was feeling well for most of the day then I saw someone on TV who had their foot amputated and I panicked thinking mine may have to be! It is ONLY a fracture, why should I think that! I wish I could get my mind more positive. Maybe if we stop reading papers and watching TV and worst of all googling symptoms!

08-08-12, 13:50
Lol I never google now, but must try to avoid Holby City and Casualty and ER, and St Elsewhere, and other reality progs set in hospitals, the only one I can watch now is One Born Every Minute, that only cos I am over child brearing age

08-08-12, 14:00
Yes, last night I put TV on and Holby was on, I said to my husband "I can't watch that it will make me worse" so I switched over and Supersize vs Superskinny was on, that is when I saw someone who had a limb amputated and it panicked me! I quickly switched again and ended up watching Midwives. I am also past childbearing age!