View Full Version : Hi, I am new

08-08-12, 14:59
Hi, I am new here. Have spent hours reading posts on this site, but finally joined up!

Wondering of there is any one out there can relate to me really. I was told about a few years ago that i have generalised anxiety. I was having panic attacks (my first one was on a tube train, and it just kind of spiralled from there) when I travelled far away from home, in crowded places, on trains, in traffic jams, at work... just about every where! If I felt like Iw as trapped and could not get out of a situation I would panic.

Things have got much better. I have been on venlafaxine for 3 years. The constant axiety has stopped. I only get it every now and then. I am able to live an almost normal life. Apart from travelling.

I am terrified to get on a train. I really need to for work, and just to make my life easier. But am terrified of going bak into panic mode.

Any one have any tips? Have you been through anything similar?



08-08-12, 15:07
You could try by going a short train journey at a time when it is least busy and gradually build up confidence from that. If you are Ok on that journey you can tell yourself you will on the next. I feared having panic attacks in restaurants and got over it by sitting in the car park and not making an effort to go in the first time, then gradually building it up by going in for a quick meal at the least busy time and sitting as close to the door as I could. Whenever we have panic attacks in a place I think there is a fear it will happen again. I am trying to get over my fear of panic attacks in hospitals at the moment...that one is a bit more difficult!

08-08-12, 15:09
Hi naynay

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

08-08-12, 15:09
Hi & :welcome:

Have you tried CBT where you slowly expose yourself to the feared situation at a slow and manageable pace? I have been having therapy for agoraphobia and it has helped....it's a long slow process but it may be worth considering :shrug:

Kitti :)

08-08-12, 15:09
hi, I know what you mean, & you are not alone in feeling like this, I hope this site helps.

08-08-12, 15:13
Thanks for your replies.
I have had CBT in the past. Once on the NHS which I found useless. And another time with a private client which really helped, butthen i lost my job so the private medical care stopped. I guess I just stayed in the same place then.
Its scary doing it on my own, felt I had to push myself when I had to report back each week. But now I just avoid it.
Just checked train times, and i can go to the next station to me in 3 minutes. That seems like such a long time though - how silly this must sound to most people!

08-08-12, 15:16
It doesn't sound silly to me. Try the 3 minute journey but take someone with you and keep chatting to keep your mind off the journey.

08-08-12, 16:32
It doesn't sound silly to me. Try the 3 minute journey but take someone with you and keep chatting to keep your mind off the journey.

Couldn't agree more. Brilliant idea...you can do this :yesyes:

08-08-12, 16:43
Thanks guys. I am going to try! Just got to get someone to come with me. Will try and do it at the weekend, should be quieter then. Will let you know how I get on.

08-08-12, 16:54
You can do it! :) Looking forward to hearing how you get on.

08-08-12, 16:56
Great!! What a positive attitude :yesyes: you can and you will do this and then you'll need to congratulate yourself and that will feel good. Be great to hear how it goes. Best of luck and look forward to hearing all about it :)