View Full Version : afraid !!! really afraid !!

22-07-06, 22:47
hi to all a couple of weeks ago i stopped taking prozac just like that when i posted alot of people told me to go back on them because of withdrawel smptoms. i went to docs yestaday he was not happy id done this without consulting him first but he told me that they would be out of my system already - is he right ? u see im afraid im waiting for terrible side affects - im imaging i will get suicide thoughts etc- will i ? thing is im going abroad with my 2 kids for a couple of months without the hubbie wot do i do ? do i take some tablets with me just incase i get down or do i just go and get on with it ? does anyone have any sort of exp that may help me coming off tablets? ive been off them for 4 wks felt ok abit on edge but no more than i was when i was on them. i am still hand washing my hands are a bit worse , help anyone i go away mon and desp need advice
thanks peeps

22-07-06, 23:47
I don't know too much about medication - I have had Prozac myself in the past and was definately told that they had to be tapered off not just stopped suddenly.

Here's a post about a good helpline to phone.

Tablet advice line - useful!!! (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=11020)

Piglet x

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

22-07-06, 23:54
I stopped Prozac and felt a bit dizzy for 2 weeks and then nothing more.

It is one drug that you can go cold turkey on though not recommended but you will be fine.
