View Full Version : Headaches!!!

08-08-12, 16:26
I dont know where to start apart from I am so fed up with my headaches. I have seen five different doctors since January this year and they all say it is stress & posture. It did disappear for around 3 months and then it is back wham (you may have seen my other posts).

I was back at the docs this Monday and the doctor said yes it is stress, did some tests, looked into eyes, follow finger etc and said it is nothing serious, I asked her if I should have a scan but she said no, they all say no.

She did refer me to a physio which starts this Friday and she said my neck, scalp and top back were like concrete!

It seems to be worse when I lay down, which makes sleeping difficult, it is pain mainly across the forehead and temples, sometimes shooting and sometimes aching.

It is driving me nuts (more nuts) and I cant help worrying that it is something serious. My partner says I need to accept what the doctor is saying and relax.

Sorry to vent but I am fed up with crying.

08-08-12, 16:44
Aw - sorry you are going through this. I really sympathise and know how you feel - I'm in the same boat and have wrote other threads about my headache journey!

Mine started suddenly in February and have been with me more or less since. Oh - think I had a 3 week break in June. I haven't been to the doctor recently but on previous visits they've done the same tests and say it's tension/stress. Mine are over the right side, over my ear, eye and temple. It was so bad yesterday I could have cried. A bit better today but still niggly. I also have an achy neck/shoulder so it could be all related. Hoping to go for a massage this week to ease some knots but really think I need a physio. Hope you feel better soon. xx

08-08-12, 16:45
Chronic pain is horrible to deal with, especially because you keep being told you are fine and nothing is wrong but you feel so badly. I have chronic neck and back pain and it is very tough. Have you tried any homeopathic remedies, massage, acupuncture, reiki, etc.? They may help in conjunction with the physio. Maybe if it happens when you are lying down it may have something to do with your pillow? Well, good luck and I hope you can find some relief. I've been battling my neck/back pain for a couple years now, get relief but it is only temporary. I ice my neck almost every day. I'm trying a deep tissue massage tomorrow night again. I know it will only be temporary, but hopefully helps a little.

08-08-12, 16:49
Thanks for the replies. Have been going to an osteopath but it is so expensive, the physio is free as it is on the NHS, so worth a shot. I will try anything to be honest as it is really getting me down. Meche sorry to hear you were bad yesterday

08-08-12, 17:01
Thanks hun but it is better today. It never goes though and I guess I'm used to the constant ache always being there now. Another thing I do which eases it alot is wear a gel eye mask. I keep it in the freezer then let it thaw out for a while before I put it over my eyes for 10-15 minutes - it really does work! Funnily enough the only time I get any relief is when I go to bed and lie with my head supported - after 10-15 minutes my aches/pains are gone. Weird!

08-08-12, 17:23
If I massage my forehead it helps, and massage my neck.

08-08-12, 18:33
I suffer from headaches pretty much daily due to GAD & osteoarthritis in both sides of my jaw (my dad said I had a jaw on a spring when I was a kid). Personally I have found aromatherapy is great along with massage. I have a fear of needles (surprise, surprise) although I did try accupuncture just to rule it out, but had to have the needles where I couldn't see them! The pain clinic showed me accupressure points which are fantastic these work for both the jaw pain as well as my anxiety. The main thing to remember is don't give up, as there will be something out there that will be right for you it's just a case of trial and error.

08-08-12, 22:16
I too suffer from headaches and find regular aromatherapy massages help. You are probably holding your tension in your neck and shoulders (as do most people) and it is travelling up to the head causing the headaches.

I also use a wheat bag (the kind you put in the microwave) and place it over the neck and shoulder areas which helps with the tight muscles.

10-08-12, 17:32
Thanks for replies. Going to buy a wheat bag as physio said that too. Today it is a sharp pain around my left temple :-(

11-08-12, 18:55
I had a constant headache which lasted 2 weeks. I convinced myself that I had a brain tumour. It was awful and I had myself in such a mess. Doctor said it was tension headaches and felt the top of my back and shoulders and said I was very tense. I had an Indian head massage which really helped alot.
I relaxed and tried to destress and the headaches finally went away