View Full Version : nervous breakdown????please can you reply i really need support at this time xx

08-08-12, 19:47
im terrified that im going to have a nervous breakdown, im anxious about being anxious and tying myself up in knots, i want to stop thinking about anxiety every ache every twinge terrifies me from trembling, tingling, tightchest, just thought process scares me,and now eyes playing tricks making me feel like im overlooking at things, bright light irratates them, stipes bright colours and patterns flash back at me, now im over analyzing my sight,i got off this spiral once but it feels more difficult this time.......i have reasons to be anxious but my body is to scared to feel sorrow incase it cant stop...i dont want to take meds i need to be able to do this myself,,tried looking at claire weekes book, but she calls them breakdowns and i freaked!!!!

08-08-12, 19:52
You sound like you are having a full blown anxiety attack. Just remember that anxiety will not kill you. It will feel badly, but it won't kill you and it WILL subside eventually. Maybe try a relaxation cd/podcast? There are a lot for free on iTunes and also youtube. It may help you with focusing your breathing and mind to calm down a little.

08-08-12, 20:08
Hi, every word you've written there could have been written by me... Ive experienced health anxiety for nearly 4 years now (after caring for my mum at home while she passed away from cancer)Very traumatic!!

I have had every symptom going, muscular aches, dizzy ness eye problems, palpatations the lot !

Ive had cbt. grief coucilling, researced the topic myself etc.

I know exactly how you feel and I understand how it feels on a daily basis, its like someone has switched a sensitivity switch on inside me and I cant turn it off.

I have good days and bad, but for me I try and keep busy and distract myself, I know from experience it only makes it worse if you focus upon what ever "ailment" you have at the time, however I know how hard it is to "worry about said ailment.

It starts with a "thought" which brings about the fear ! Try and rationalise your thoughts (yh I know this is verrry hard !) but thats what I try and do .For instances the other day I started having a blurry vision in my left eye(I could nt see properly out of it, I sat down (I had previuos to this been rushing around cleaning all day) and did my breathing and thought it will go away in a bit, I kept calm and then thought Ive had this before a few times(migraine, then I started with an awful headache, took some paracetomol then after about 10-15 minutes my headache had gone and I could see perfectly again, I rationalised it and thought it was brought on with rushing around!!x

Someone posted on here a few weeks ago (who had experienced anxiety himself, Chris) an open letter .I read it and thought wow !! and it made me really strong and think yh, its a thought, which manifest into a fear and then therefore fills our body with physical symptoms etc. Ill try and find the link for you, if you like.

Stay strong ! You can get through this ! xx Lynne.x

---------- Post added at 20:08 ---------- Previous post was at 20:04 ----------


Hello again this is the link to the open letter from Chris (who also suffered with anxiety) ! x