View Full Version : Weird heart sensations at night.

08-08-12, 20:10
Hi all.

Was just wondering if anyone else gets this and how or what they do about it or if they know what causes it.
At night time in bed I like to read a few pages of my book before going to sleep. Since starting on Quetiapine (300mg) I have been sleeping very well and at night time I am very relaxed and happy to go to bed. Problem is as I am lying there I am totally aware of my own heartbeat. I wouldn't say it was palpatating or being irregular I can just feel it, every single beat it makes. It feels hard and sometimes the pulse in my neck is prominant too and it kinda feels like my whole body is pulsating with each heartbeat. I'm sorry but this is the best way I can describe it.
Please bear in mind there is no anxiety and I am very tired and chilled out. There is no chest pain with it. I just hate feeling it like that as it doesn't seem normal to me...Anyone relate?

Kez x