View Full Version : im going to lose it!!

22-07-06, 22:57
i cant keep it together anymore. they keep comingn and coming and i cant settle myself. i cant take my mind off of it. i dont want to live if i cant keep this monster under control. i need help. i need something to help me or might go insane. the unrealness of it is driving me insane! i feel so %^&*!@# helpless. i dont want them anymore!!


22-07-06, 23:29
Richard I am so sorry you are feeling so rough mate.

Have you got anyone that you could talk this through with?

Piglet x

22-07-06, 23:47
hi richard

sorry youre having it so bad but rest assured you will not go insane even though it feels like you will, you are highly sensitized at the moment thats why youre body is responding to every little feeling that you get and throwing it out of proportion, go and see youre doctor he might be able to help with councelling etc, there are helplines where you can speak to people, usually these are people who have had anxiety themselves so they can understand what youre going through, we all know on here how they make you feel if you have no one to talk to feel free to pm me

denise x

23-07-06, 00:14
Hi Richard,

I know how you feel mate. These attacks are dreadful, but please be assued that Panic Attacks do not harm you.

So many of us here have experienced the same.

I have found this list of self help groups in the US just incase there is one near you. The list is just a kist, so you may may have one near you that is not listed.


Take care mate,


And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

23-07-06, 00:17
Hi Richard, so sorry things are crap at the moment, have you thought about chat, or msn to some fellow sufferers?
Always here to help.

Sue K with 5
23-07-06, 00:40
Hi Chard

You are going to be ok I promise you please please dont think your alone with this because your not.

You can and will be in control of these and you have to start believing this.

If you want to chat please pm one of us and we will be happy to swap msn addresses with you.

We can help you to gain control of the PA's

Hopefully we will hear from you soon honey

Sue with 5


polly daydream
23-07-06, 00:52
Hi Richard, have you seen your dr lately, perhaps he could give you something to calm you down, don't be afraid to ask for some help. As others have said, you are not alone, we all know what you are going through and they cannot harm you, just very unpleasant to experience.

Take care,


23-07-06, 03:25

First thing.. calm down.. take a few deep breathes.. I know that feels absolutely impossible at the moment but you can do it I know you can..

Secondly.. find something to do.. can be anything play a game, write, listen to something anything that will get your mind off of what you are feeling and the thoughts that are spiraling through your head.. distraction works wonderfully when you are having attacks the more detail orientated the distraction the better it is for you..

Thirdly.. Your not going to go crazy.. I know the unrealness is frightening.. I get it on a terrible level myself right down to feeling like I'm completely empty or a puppet moving about on strings.. it's a natural reaction sweetie..and once your mind calms down the feeling will stop.. so the trick is.. to get that mind calm.

Take a shower a nice long hot one, go for a walk even if it's just around your house.. PA's cause obscene amounts of adrenline to dump into your blood stream triggering the fight or flight reaction.. excerise is the BEST way to counter it since acitivity causes you to burn adrenline quickly.. Call a friend if you can.. a Crisis Hotline if there is one in your area.. anything to get you out of the dwelling cycle..

Positive Self Talk helps too.. Give yourself Permission to Panick.. tell yourself I've been through this before and I know I'm going to be okay... I just need to calm down anything like that.. even taking a piece of paper and writing down why your panicking, what you think will happen and what the real outcome will be.. WILL help...

*hugs* It'll be okay.. it's just a scary place right now
but you will be fine..

~Trina aka Shadowwin

23-07-06, 03:45
Hey Rich, I know exactly where you're coming from. I've been having a really rough month and unfortunately I've been going through the exact same thought process.

I'm fed up with my current situation but I know that no matter how bad I feel, things will always end up being OK. You just need to keep your chin up and look to the future. Things will get better.

I know that reading posts like these may make you think "yeah right" but I assure you, you can get over this. You may need to see some doctors, you may need to learn some coping strategies, you may need some medication but just remember: life is long and this is just a temporary setback.

Best of luck, I know you'll do great. :)

23-07-06, 11:14
Hi Richard, so sorry you are feeling so rough at the moment. Don't give up, keep going and things are bound to get better.
Just one day at a time.

Take care



23-07-06, 11:37
Just wondering how you are feeling this morning?

Piglet x

23-07-06, 19:12
hey mate
Im dorry your feeling so ****! I felt exactly the same as you! Worrying about losing it, feeds the anxiety! BUT I have never lost it, and wont neither. I am virstually recovered now, I am still on med but soon to come off them! I constantly fought with my thoughts, trying to stop them. But when I finally realise that it hadnt arrived yet, I bagan to take my time and applaud myself for that 10 mins of no thinking and on and on. I found also affirmations helped. You say these either out ploud or in your mind over and over. Eventually your mind beloievs this rather that the negative thoughts. Mine was "Im calm, Im safe and Im in controle" It works I promise. YOU CAN DO IT XXXXXXXXX