View Full Version : Weird dizziness, really scared

08-08-12, 22:20
So this morning I was sitting at the table and my mom started to tell me about how someone had broken into the pharmacy down the street and all of a sudden when she stopped talking I had this really weird feeling of dizziness. But it only seemed to to last about 1 second. I felt like my head kind of lurched forward. My vision didn't go black or anything, but I felt almost distant for that 1 or 2 seconds and than my whole body felt warm and the feeling went away and I've been hyping myself up about ever since. I keep thinking that I almost died in that moment, even though I know that's irrational. I didn't feel my heart doing anything weird in my chest and when the feeling past I checked my pulse and it felt normal. I use to believe that I would drop dead any second until I had an ekg a couple of years ago and it came back normal. But this incident is starting to fuel that idea again and I'm really scared that it might be something serious. Has anyone else experienced this feeling? I'm only 22 so I don't think it should be anything related to a heart attack/ stroke.

08-08-12, 22:58
Hi Rachie
I sometimes get a thing like you are describing, but its so so difficult to describe!!!!
I can be sitting doing nothing in particular and i get a sudden feeling a bit like how you describe but then again its not like you describe either!!!
What i feel is like dizzy but its not dizzy, like im very very slowly moving round but my head is still at the exact same time a feeling goes over all my skin like my body has shrunk in on itself and it might feel like its warm but as it only lasts a second i dont have enough time to separate all the feelings.
I also get a feeling like either the ground and surroundings have "dropped" and inch or two, it can happen if im sitting or standing, if im out and about or in bed.
Its very strange and extremely scary when it happens and if im alone i will just cry in fear, if im in company i tend to just sit quietly and panic in silence inside about what it could be. Usually i think im going to die straight away from a stroke or something else.
Ive had it for a few years now so i know logically it is not going to kill me, however when it happens the anxiety takes over and it takes a while for me to convince myself that i am indeed alive and ok.
Linda x

09-08-12, 08:48
It seems completely normal. I definitely experience some dizziness at times where it sort of disappears, comes back, and disappears again. No need to be scared or worried about the process. I'd suggest just letting it go. There are many people who usually think that it is something serious, but chances are, it is not so bad after all. I think you are doing great. Wish you luck and good health!

09-08-12, 08:50
Hi... Yes I've had what you describe many times. Feel like my head goes, its a really horrible strange feeling, my body also jolts with it sometimes. I know its horrible but just try and remember that it won't harm you. Take care x

26-07-18, 19:06
I get this sometimes, too! I always worry it has something to do with my heart, but I also will feel my pulse and it seems to be normal, so I think it’s something with my head, I don’t even know. It really freaks me out when it happens, but I do believe it’s harmless.

27-07-18, 14:18
I get these feelings every once and a while. Nice to know I'm not the only one. They come in the form of head rushes. They last maybe a second. I feel it in my head then it rushes down to my stomach where it feels like I'm getting zapped or just fell a few feet very quickly. I was getting them more often a few months ago but then they went a way after my physical, since all of my tests came back with good results. But now a couple of months later along with tapering off of my anxiety meds they are starting to come back, and I dwell on them. They are definitely not fun. Definitely one of the more scarier anxiety symptoms.


27-07-18, 19:53
I’m glad I’m im not the only one that experiences this scary anxiety symptom! It almost feels like you’re abojt to pass out. I always get it when I’m out in public. And that warm sensation too

30-07-18, 17:03
I can't ever recall feeling these sensations prior to my first panic attack a year ago. I can't imagine how messed up my nervous system is with this constant heightened anxiety and 365 days worth of benzodiazepines in my system. Once I'm tapered off of my meds I wonder how long it will take my nervous system to reset itself.

30-07-18, 17:41
I have been getting these feelings lately I will just be sitting there and as you said get a felling as if my head goes forward and it lasts like 1 to 2 seconds. It's weird and hard to describe but I'm pretty sure it is like what you described. I was just putting it down to hot weather and stress.

30-07-18, 19:31
I’ve had something similar before. It was terrifying. It has a name I think: brain zap