View Full Version : Worrying about not worrying?! Wtf -_-

08-08-12, 22:26
Okay so, i have days/moments where i sit and think....and think.... And think.... What about? Lord knows.

Basically imsuffer from anxiety and intrusive thoughts. I fear my thoughts big time because of how intense they get. Sometimes they'll be about a family member dying; the thought would be intense and me imagining the whole scenario and howd i react, another thought would be me dying nd how it would happen, whether it would be me or natural death caused.

But then when i have nothing to think about, and my mind isnt distracted it will soley focus on those horrid thoughts!

Its like i start worrying when theres nothing to worry about.

Distraction really helps me but of course i cant be distracted 24/7 so what else can i do? :/

I get scared quite a lot. I fear my thoughts and anxiety!

09-08-12, 00:00
I get like this. I think I am so used to being anxious that I am like hyper alert to symptoms and to anything really to worry about. When I don't have something to worry about, instead of relaxing I feel like there must be something wrong and can't handle it. It's quite frustrating really! We're just so used to being anxious.

eight days a week
09-08-12, 01:04
I think you need to confront your thoughts and instead of being so affected by them learn to laugh them off.

That is very, very much easier said than done, I know, and sorry for posting it as such a simple process - it is not. But I believe it's the only way in the long run, and the closest thing to a 'cure' there will ever be. I may be wrong but I really feel that by trying to do that I am getting back to the way I was before, before I became hyper-sensitised to anxiety and adrenaline. My dream is to be able to spot it, recognise it, but not be scared by it. I reckon I am about 50% of the way there to be able to do that.

Let's break out of the stupid prisons we build for ourselves people!! :yesyes:

09-08-12, 12:44
I really agree, eight days a week. I am at the point where I can recognize it, but I still feel all the feelings and can't calm down quite as quickly as I'd like to. I actually laugh at myself after the fact because in the moment of an anxiety attack, I'll be yelling something like "I KNOW THIS IS JUST ANXIETY MAKING ME THINK LIKE THIS AND WILL GO AWAY BUT I STILL FEEL AWFUL" Baby steps, I guess!!