View Full Version : Annoying tight throat!

Anxious lu
08-08-12, 22:37
So I went to the doctor today, about my muscle aches and tight throat and of course she said it was all down to my anxiety.. To be honest the muscle ache has pretty much stopped for me apart from the odd twinge here and there. But I cannot ignore the tight throat.. I know that thinking about it only makes it worse and in the moments I do forget it feels better.

Does anybody know how to soothe this annoyance or distraction techniques to atleast ignore it :)

08-08-12, 23:15
this symptom can be a real pain, the more you get frustrated with it the more tense it gets. I went to a masseuse once who gave my neck a massage- you wouldnt believe how many muscles we have in there.

Relaxation helps as its tension thats causing this. Or try distracting yourself from it, and really engaging in an activity.Or.. Hot bath, honey and lemon drink.

It will pass.

Anxious lu
08-08-12, 23:49
Thanks they sound like good ideas :-) ill have to give them all a try. For the moment I'm sucking on mint imperials which does actually seem to be doing some slight good as my mouth and throat are not dry.. Really happy to try anything ATM.