View Full Version : Hello Everyone I am new

23-07-06, 01:30
Well it's taken me about 15 mins to work out how to send this message!!
Anyway I am 43, married, have 3 children. I used to be a nurse and have now just trained as a teacher. Have suffered from anxiety and assiciated agoraphobia since my early 20s. Mostly it's been manageable but had a really bad bout about 11 years ago after the birth of my daughter . Ended up on a psychiatirc ward for a week. I had really bad side effects from anti depressants and am now phobic about any kind of medication. I am now actually much better. I used to avoid going out and never without my husband but amhave just finished my PGCE which involved me driving myself the 14 miles to colleg and back every day, so am pleased with myself. My main worry now is that we have booked a holiday in August to visit my sisiter who lives in Spain. Ii really want to go and think I can do it as I will be going to somewhere I have been before (although 20 years ago) but as time gets nearer am having some anxiety about it and am wondering whther I am pushing myself too hard or if I should just bite the bullet and get on with it. Ii know I will be gutted if I don't go and so will my 12 year old daughter who is looking forward to her first holiday with her mum for 10 years

w a Pigott

23-07-06, 01:37
This man is cured also, unlike most who try to profit this is free!!!


IIIts the answer, no cost!!!

Hi Folks, I suffered severe panic attacks for 14 yrs. I got cured last year. After suffering for so long I thought it was impossible for me to recover. Now I am cured and will never go back to that life of terror. I came across a book called 'self help for your nerves' at my libaray, I read it about 20 times and I practised the small step that was suggested. I strongly advise anyone wanting to be cured to get this book by Dr. Claire Weekes, she was nominated for the nobel prise medicne in 1983 & 1990 for her work in showing people the cure. She was a scientist before she became a doctor and a previous sufferer herself. www.drclaireweekes.co.uk read her story, you need to gain faith in the person showing you the way, you will be cured I assure you. Good luck and enjoy your new life.

Dr Claire Weekes, MBE, MB, DSc, FRACP, has probably done more than anybody else to show people suffering from nervous illness how to help themselves and recover. She is renowned internationally for her special understanding and treatment of nervous illness (eg the anxiety state in all its forms). Her books, audio tapes, and video, are recommended by doctors and used in treatment centres all over the world. This remarkable woman, who pioneered self help in psychiatry, was nominated for the Nobel prize for medicine in 1983, and again in 1990. She was years ahead of her time and her work is as relevant now as it has always been.

Dr Weekes originally studied science and was the first woman to obtain a Doctor of Science degree at the University of Sydney. She worked in research for a number of years before going into medicine eventually being elected a Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians. Being both a scientist and a physician, Dr Weekes knows that mind and body work together. She believes that nervous illness can begin very simply, developing from stress and nervous fatigue to produce a pattern of symptoms which can become more frightening to the sufferer than the original cause of their illness or breakdown. So afraid of “the state they are in” patients become trapped in a cycle of nervous suffering. Dr Weekes' methods show people how they can break out of this cycle. She teaches them how to reverse the pattern of its development by learning to think and behave differently. That way they can find their own inner strength by developing the right inner voice, which brings about permanent cure.
When she was cramming for her medicine finals Dr Weekes became nervously exhausted herself. Being a scientist first, she could figure out in scientific terms what was happening to her own biochemistry and work out what to do to put herself back together again by changing her attitude towards the situation she was in, seeing things from a different point of view and altering her mood. She found that over a period of time she could alter her stress hormones, increasing the ones that made her feel better and decreasing the ones that made her feel dreadful. Her genius lay not only in discovering this when she was down herself, but being able to communicate it to other people in simple language, so that tired minds could more easily absorb the information.

Her work, which is internationally acclaimed, is based on her own personal experience of nervous exhaustion, her experiences as a doctor helping and observing her patients with all forms of nervous illness, and her ingeniously applied scientific knowledge. She would never claim to cure people, she would always say she showed people how they could cure themselves. And many thousands have done the world over.


polly daydream
23-07-06, 01:45
Hi Fairygirl and welcome to the forum, you have defo come to the right place as there are alot of people that are in your situation. Congratulations on getting your degree. If I were you I would stop getting so worked up about the holiday and start thinking about all the positives you will get out of going, seeing your sister again and most importantly your daughters first holiday with her lovely mum. What are you actually frightened of, is it the flight or just the being away from home? you really deserve this holiday so give it some really good thought.

Best wishes,


Sue K with 5
23-07-06, 03:21

Welcome to NMP !! I think you will find the links to this site really helpful and should be able to help answer some of your concerns

You will I am sure make that holiday so dont worry you will get there

Sue with 5


23-07-06, 06:16
Hi Fairygirl,

A big welcome to the site hun. You will find great support here, and also good friends. Glad to have u on board.

Take care,


23-07-06, 06:53
Hi there - welcome to the site and the teaching profession!! Being a teacher myself I know how demanding the training is, so well done you.
love Helen

Will Loynes
23-07-06, 08:26
Hi there,
welcome to the site, im sure you'll meet lots of very supportive people here. Well done with the teacher training, im sure it will be hard, but extremely rewarding!
Dont be to anxious about your holiday, im sure it will all work out and you'll have a brilliant time.


23-07-06, 10:55
Hi and welcome to NMP

Take care



23-07-06, 12:19

Welcome to the forum. You will find lots of help and support here.

x x

23-07-06, 12:52
Hi Fairygirl

Welcome to NMP

Clare x

23-07-06, 13:01

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

Take care
Trac x

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

23-07-06, 13:40
Hi Fairygirl,

Welcome aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help.


23-07-06, 15:33
Hi welcome and well done on all your achievements so far. There are so many on here who dont like holidays/flying etc and get raised anxiety so Im sure someone will be along soon to help.
I am fortunate to be having exposure therapy for mine this year but it is the first time in 25 years Ive been on holiday without my ex husband.
to me not going is not an option, I can also receive valium for flying, 2 tablets a year isnt abusing it, but of course this may be completely out of the question for yourself with your phobia, hope you get some good advice.
Are you actually teaching after Summer if so do as I do and just think about getting the best tan in the school,lol,:D
........Although Ive yet to achieve it,

23-07-06, 15:42
Hi Fairygirl,

A big warm welcome to you.

Take Care


23-07-06, 18:37
Hi fairygirl, Glad you made it. It is so strange what you said about your anxiety getting worse after the birth of your daughter, I had my first Panic Attack after the birth of my daughter. Right in the hospital, they had to call my husband in the middle of the night. Thought I was losing my mind, it was horriable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wow it is so great to hear you finished your college studies. It is hard to go to school with this stupid anxiety problem. Hope you will be able to go on your trip (sounds like fun). Good luck and hope you are doing better.


23-07-06, 19:18
Hi Everyone
Thanks to all the nice people who have sent me welcome messages. Ii wish I'd discovered this sooner!! I am still working out how to reply to various topics etc and ndegotiate the site. So if I send someone a message that makes no sense, I apologise in advance!!!!
What a lovely bunch of people you are!!!
Wendy x

w a Pigott

23-07-06, 21:18
Hi Fairygirl

Welcome to the forum.

You'll find a lot of help and support here.


Happiness is not a state to arrive at but a manner of travelling.

You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough ~ Christine Cagney, Cagney & Lacey

23-07-06, 22:45
A very big welcome to the site to you.:D

Firstly take a little pressure off yourself by realising this is something you want to do, not something you have to do.

Realise that you are safe hun and it's within your power at anytime to pull back from panic using your breathing and positive self talk.

Don't be afraid to say to someone if you are feeling panicky then you dont allow it to build up and you'd be surprised just how many people will identify with you.

Love Piglet :)

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.