View Full Version : Meds changed

09-08-12, 15:16
Doctor now put me on sertraline and lorazepam mix for couple weeks, hope this helps me.

09-08-12, 20:35
If you really need to be on any meds, then I would say that Zoloft/Sertraline is one of the best options out there.

Been on it for 9 years and I can say that I had coped quite well with life in general, physical symptoms were almost non existent apart from once or twice a year episodes.

However, whatever happened during those 9 years is very foggy to me. Since starting Zoloft I have completely lost my libido, it made me numb not only sexually but also emotionally, more like a vegetable really. Also it affected my memory, especially the short one and my self confidence.

Friendly advice, try to stick to the lowest dose possible and don't use it longer than you need to.

I came off it last year and it was very difficult.

All the best :hugs: