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View Full Version : Afraid of the Dentist?

28-05-04, 19:32
There are quite a few posts on here about fears of visiting the dentist so I just thought I would add this topic.

I went today for my 6 month check-up and had my teeth cleaned and the dentist commented on how much cleaner my teeth were and how much more healthy my gums were. He said the front ones were siginificantly better.

He asked had I changed my toothbrush or toothpaste and I said that I had bought a Sonic toothbrush (I have a Phillips Sonicare one) and he said "oh that is why then - they are are excellent, I recommend them to everyone".

There are quite expensive, however. Mine cost £100 from Argos but you may get it cheaper on-line somewhere.

Anyway, the dentist said that if I continued to use it (I need to use it more on the backs of the teeth he advised) then he said the next time he sees me both sides of the teeth should be in superb condition. He also commented that I should also keep my teeth (my own that is - not dentures) till I died if I looked after them well [:p]

So, I just wanted to say that although the cost may be a lot, it could be that one of these toothbrushes helps you lessen those dreaded dentist trips and the fillings etc. I am all for prevention rather than cure so all of you out there that hate dentists trips then you now know that a good sonic toothbrush does make a difference.

Just a thought anyway!:D


29-05-04, 21:51
Hi Nicola,
i too went to the dentist yesterday but for two fillings [V]. As i said in another post the whole thing was much worse than would usually be the case [shaking, sweating etc.]. Maybe I'll get one of these brushes so i don't have that stress in a while [^].
love tess

29-05-04, 22:46

Yeah it may be worth it cos I am terrified of fillings cos I won't have the injection so it hurts!!

Could be a good investment.


30-05-04, 12:40
I seem to be immune to the injections and usually have to have about 3 or 4 for them to work![xx(]


Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit
Understanding is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad

15-02-06, 02:50
I have a huge fear of the dentist, and have two electric and a normal toothbrush at home. My good one is an Oral-B. But I am scared that when the head of the brush wears out, where will I get a new one?? I have a pain where my upper Wisdom Teeth are, but cannot afford to get them removed rigjht now.

I need lots of moral support!

15-02-06, 20:03
Try this ....

Dental Phobia (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/NMPcms.php?nmppage=dental)
