View Full Version : Muscle twitches after walking the dog

09-08-12, 19:46
Had a decent day today, managed to only cry once (at work when they called me to book an appointment for a therapist to see me on the NHS:unsure:)

Came back home, walked the dog for about 45 min and on my way back I started getting some of my "left shoulder sensations" and chest twitches, also lots of pins and needles in my legs. I managed not to panic..much, but it is very scary.

Once I got back and sat down I started getting all this muscle twitches all over my legs and bum. It feels all bubbly (like sparkling water)and strange. I started getting these about a month ago but they are a bit too much now, what is causing them, does anyone know?

Cats make it better
09-08-12, 20:41
It's perfectly normal. :) Your body is just working out some of the lactic acid it built up during your activity. The muscles are just working to get back to normal before they relax. That's why your metabolism is a little elevated for about 30 min after a workout, your body needs time to get back to "normal".

Hope that helps!

09-08-12, 20:47
Thank you so much, it does help.

But:blush:.. Surely it doesn't happen to everyone and it never happened before I had my anxiety coming back?
Sorry, I can't help it but ask :hugs:Also, can it occur in the chest area too?


09-08-12, 20:58
It is one of the symptoms that are involved with anxiety....dont worry i had/have them too.
if you know where its coming from there are less worse

09-08-12, 21:41
Where you holding anything in your left arm?
It's perfectly normal happens me all the time as my muscles aren't very strong :)

09-08-12, 21:58
I have these symptoms quite often!!! It can happen from use, fatigue, anxiety, anything really or just no reason.

Also just wanted to say to Cats make it better that I LOVE your user name!! And agree!

09-08-12, 22:10
Thank you all for your replies.

I had the dogs lead in my left hand and played with it for a while.
It's a funny thing with the left shoulder pain. It's not normal joint pain, it is different and I feel it when I become anxious. If I think about something that scares me (like a heart test for example) I feel the pain instantly. How is that possible? And it's not in my head only :shrug:

10-08-12, 01:13
I would guess that this is just your body reacting to the exercise you are giving it.

Cats make it better
10-08-12, 18:07
I have these symptoms quite often!!! It can happen from use, fatigue, anxiety, anything really or just no reason.

Also just wanted to say to Cats make it better that I LOVE your user name!! And agree!

Thank you! My cats (I have two), really do help my anxiety a lot! :)

10-08-12, 18:58
:) i have one, but may get another little one soon!!! I love mine, sometimes she seems to know when I am stressing out and comes and cuddles