View Full Version : oh no not again

09-08-12, 20:23
i keep paniicking bk to bk n i dont no how to calm myself this is so awful anyne got any ideas?pls help if u can ty:)

09-08-12, 20:31
Just take a deep breath in and let it out slowly..try telling yourself that you don't care if you have another panic attack, I find that if I do that it stops it. Do something to distract you from it if you can. :hugs:

09-08-12, 20:43
Go out side, walk around, count random objects or name objects out load.
Try to focus out side of your self.
Write down how you are feeling.
Turn on happy music.
Splash your face with cold water.
Call a friend or have a chat online.
Go to bed and curl up under the covers