View Full Version : The heart

09-08-12, 20:30
Hi here i am...for the second time.
i finnaly came over the skin cancer...now im worried about my heart again
even the fact that i had 4/5 weeks ago an Echocardiagram -turned out fine-
im still scared to get an heart attack...at 16...with a healthy heart.
i have to mention...heart diseases doesnt run in the family
please answer......quickly

09-08-12, 20:45
You are fine.
The fear isn't real, it's just your imagination.
It might feel real but it's not.
ECGs show up any heart issues even tiny ones that are harmless so if anything was wrong it'd tell you.
Trust the doctors :)
Anxiety can cause your heart to race, to pound, to feel funny but it's harmless and you will be fine.

09-08-12, 20:51
I cant explain how happy i am with your quick response and answer....thank you so much :D -reads it over and over-