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View Full Version : angina concerns please help

09-08-12, 20:58
you may have seen my previous posts, 24 yr old female with 2 kids dont smoke or drink or caffeine eat healthy have ibs.

last 4 months been awful chest and back pain, pain in left jaw and neck and shoulder, pain or throbbing down both arms.

the chest pain is constant and burping a lot feels like my food gets stuck below sterum, neck and jaw pain come and go its throbbing sensation. its on the same side i carry my sons but im panicking as had several resting ecgs all fine had blood tests all fine and x ray fine and 24 hr monitor fine but i read this is only for heart attacks they cant actually diagnose angina with that im scared my doctor is regarding it as anxiety put me on tablets but it just scares me they can push you to side as im young i have no risk factors no family history and not overweight but scared.

any help?

sheryl x

09-08-12, 21:09
Sorry can't help with this, it is one of the heart issues I have not googled before.
It feels very very hard not to now:((

I am sure someone here will be able to advise, hang in there.

09-08-12, 21:28
It sounds more like acid relfux/indigestion to me that angina

Angina is chest pain that comes on when you exert yourself in anyway

Anxious lu
09-08-12, 22:33
Hi there I'm new to this forum but I had similar concerns. A few days ago I had a huge worry about my heart. I had severe aching down my back and aches in my shoulder and arms even down to my hands more on the left side. I went to the doctor who prescribed me acid reflux tablets and posted my concerns about the aches on here.

Apparently it is quite common for anxiety sufferers to experience aches and someone made me Aware of something called repetitive strain injury in which repetitive actions which might be worth you looking into. It helped me relax :-)

10-08-12, 12:32
I agree ith the replys you have had . I have had angina in the past,and the crushig pain that it gives you is unbearable and you would certainly be comletely crashed out.
Take care