View Full Version : fatigue etc, tests ive had over 5 years - opinions would be appreciated :-)

09-08-12, 23:00
Edit- sent from my tablet so spelling might be cra
P, sorry

I have been working hard to try and reduce unheakthy foods and do more walking/getting out the house, however its hard wehn I'm tired all the time.

The doctor has performed the followingvtests ove the last 5 years:

5 blood tests FBC
Liver functions bloods
Kidney fuhction bloods
Lupus bloods (grandfather had it)
Glucose bloods
Celiac bloods
Endoscopy 5 years ago
Ultrasound last year
Numerous urine dip stick tests
Xrays of back, sack and crack - basically everywhere
ECG I think its called

Hmm, think that's it. Basically from all of that they found:

Mild gastritis of duodenum
Back pains and other muscle issues "from being tall''. 6ft4 isn't that tall


Various aches and pains, mostly joins and muscles
Chest aches, shoulder pains
Extreme tiredness where I have no option to sleep sometimes - scary
Breathing sometimes feels forced (peak flow is normal levels and chest xray fine)
Constant abdominal distension (looks pregnant)
Lots of derealisation
Periods of sweating buckets which last for 5-10 mins then go away - scary

So, just curious. - what is anyones opinion of all of that? Also I would like to add that I have only requested a couple of tests, the rst the GP or specialist ordered with the knowledge of my mental health.

09-08-12, 23:02
How much exercise do you really get?

09-08-12, 23:05
its good u have had them im experiencing similar, your ibs and acid reflux i have both so i know how bad can be and if all your bowels and digestion are messed up its affects u, u can be tired as ur muscles working harder your worrying about it and without knowing you are tensing about it and the pain is making you tired, breathing problems are common with acid reflux causes diaphram to tighten and feel short of breathe also acid in throat can spill over into lungs and cause shortness of breathe as that is one of my symptons to the point im scared i have angina :(

they call your stomach your 2nd brain if its out of whack it affects ur whole body anxiety makes it worse and bad stomach makes anxiety worse visous circle.

have you been given any tablets for acid?

hope you get better

sheryl xx

10-08-12, 00:48
Hi Sheryl, I currently take Zantac but the odd thing is that some days I find I don't need them at all, sometimes for weeks. Then other times I find I need them many times per day. To make me more stressed I've just noticed some nob stealing my 3g over wifi.....reflux is now back :(

10-08-12, 09:51
Ok ignore me then lol

10-08-12, 12:32
Hi I have quite a few of the symptoms and have chronic fatigue/ fibromyalgia anyone mentioned that ?

Hi Nicola did you ask about the exersize because of the fatigue ? because i always find im stuck between not knowing if it will make it worse x

10-08-12, 12:45
I asked about the exercise because sometimes the less we do the more tired we are.

Strangely enough when you do go and exercise - despite how tired you feel - it really does help you feel more energised.

10-08-12, 13:03
Yes i thought thats why you asked its sometimes just hard to know whats best especially for chronic fatigue. It really complicates it because what you are avised to do for the anxiety can aggravate the other condition. But as a general rule im sure the exersize is really beneficial just wish i was dealing with anxiety or panic alone :)

10-08-12, 15:41
Sorry Nicola, wasn't ignoring you :( - I always feel too tired and weak to do exercise.

10-08-12, 15:53
How are your Testosterone levels?


10-08-12, 16:42
That's ok Piers - I did put lol at the end cos I know you wouldn't deliberately ignore me.

10-08-12, 21:40
How are your Testosterone levels?


Don't think I've had those checked, they're not part of a routine blood test are they?

Edit - taken a look at the symptoms of high or low levels and they don't match

10-08-12, 21:58
I have read that low Testosterone can cause symptoms such as fatigue, hot flushes, muscle aches and increased abdominal fat which you make mention of in your first post.

It's maybe something to enquire about next time your at the Docs?
