View Full Version : woke up with acid in throat?

10-08-12, 01:44
Ive been going through brutals stress in my life lately. A lot. Anyways. I was sleeping andwoke up and it felt like I had freakin stomach acid in my throat. It hurt real bad. Better now but the panic still lingers. Stomach aches a little bit. How can I get crap like this when sleeping? When I burp it still tastes a bit like that still. Anyone can shine some light on the subject would be much appreciated. Kind of scared.

10-08-12, 07:53
It sounds like you may have a hiatus hernia. This is where there is a weakness in the diaphragm where the oesophogus passes through, it allows acid from the stomach to get through when you are lying down. See your doc to confirm this, there are some simple solutions and it is not a big deal.

10-08-12, 08:41
Are you eating? If not it can be bile.

10-08-12, 09:13
Becaus of the way our bodies are, sleeping on your left side helps prevent acid from getting back up into your throat.
Also try and raise the head of your bed a little.

I get acid reflux and I know how much it can hurt and burn and make your throat sore.
Try taking some antacids. I like milk of magnesia, but I'm sure the chewable tablets work just as well .

10-08-12, 18:55
I have GERD, and this happens to me all the time. No big deal. :)