23-07-06, 05:26
Hi all,
I have had panic attacks on and off for years and the truth is they don't frighten me as I know they can't hurt me. But that still doesn't stop them, and obviously I hate them!!! Anyway, I have agoraphobia which means I have to cope with my symptoms when I am out and about. I can cope with the dizziiness and the racing heart etc, but my worst symptom is the uncontrollable shaking. I get really shaky all over, you can actually see it, and it makes me feel like my legs will buckle under me. How can I stop the shaking, or at least make it a bit better? Please help!!!

Will Loynes
23-07-06, 08:37
Sorry to hear you are getting the shakes at the moment. I used to find I had them worse when I was really anxious, especially when I started going out again. I think it was due to my muscles becoming really tense. I found that I needed to relax so I used to do things like add up the numbers on car number plates. Sounds daft, I know, but I think the key to it is to find a way to relax and be less conscious of it.

Hope that helps


23-07-06, 08:44
Hi shoegal, love your nick by the way, I love shoes too! Shking was a symptom i had too, I tried a coouple of ways, relaxing and distraction as Will says was one way, deep relaxation of the muscles, listening to a guided visualisation helped at times. Other times i used to feel like i had to do things, physical jobs around the house/garden to burn off the adreneline and distract myslf and also achieve something. I took up knitting again simple and repetitive actions that helped to calm me down. Hope you feel better soon

Take care

'This too will pass'

23-07-06, 19:57
Hi all,
Thanks for all your support.
The main problem with the shaking is I get it when I have a sudden woosh of panic come over me, like if I am in a queue and suddenly I feel panic stricken. Then it's the shaking that is the worst symptom. It's so bad I can see my muscles quivering and my legs get so weak it feels like I won't be able to take a single step. It's that I have the most trouble with, any ideas on coping techniques?
shoegal :)

24-07-06, 18:59
i think shaking is a symptom that people without any anxiety will get when they are nervous, the difference is that they dont get nervous as easily as we do.. the solution..dont get nervous..hehe..

but really, theres nothing i can add that people havent said already, but this is what i used to do..when you get them, dont concentrate on them, pretend they are not there..or better yet know that they are just from you being nervous, and they are completely harmless, and that they will go away. take up a hobby like most people say, and burn off adrenaline..take up joggin, swimming, rollerblading..believe it or not getting in shape makes you more self confident and gets your anxiety to calm down (and it burns adrenaline)..distract yourself when you get the shakes, people watch, look at pretty cars, window shop..think about people around you, wonder who they are what they do..stupid things that will keep your mind preoccupied with something other than (omg im shaking)...

hope this helps.