View Full Version : Struggling today :-(

10-08-12, 08:23
Good morning,

My anxiety flared up again earlier this week. Am feeling pretty bad today & am sat at my desk thinking how on earth I will get through the day. The past two days I have felt bad in the morning but have gradually felt a bit better as the day has gone on. It's hard to take comfort from that though at the moment. At least I've made it into work. I should be pleased about that I guess. It's so hard though. The day seems so long to get through.
I look at everyone else and wish that I was "normal" like them. I know that everyone has their problems so it's probably silly to say that.

Thanks for listening x

10-08-12, 08:35
Sweetie you will be fine, mornings are the worst and you have got through that. No one is "normal" we all have problems. Some of us show it. xxx

10-08-12, 08:47
You have done really well getting in to work, as you said.
Just because people look 'normal', it does not mean that they are not going through similar struggles to yourself. As you know we don't go around with a big sign on our heads saying 'I suffer with anxiety'. You only need to think about how many people use NMP to know how common it is to suffer from anxiety or depression.:)

I hope your day gets better.

10-08-12, 09:21
Thanks guys. I appreciate you replying. It is a comfort coming on here and knowing that other people are going through the same thing. I just wish that it didn't affect me so much physically. I always really suffer with my stomach and sickness.
I keep trying to tell myself that a bad morning doesn't mean a bad day.
I know all the right things to say & do and could give other people advice until it was coming out of my ears but when it comes to applying it to myself....well that's another matter!

Thanks again x

10-08-12, 09:32
HAHAHA. I hear ya regarding how you can barely put into action your own advice. Your situation is very normal, and you are doing fine. Feeling down at times is completely normal. No need to feel extra worried, so be sure just to relax. Remember, you have this entire forum to help and support you! Good luck

10-08-12, 10:19
Hi Kell - I know how you feel. I'm also sat at my desk thinking how the hell I'm going to get through the day. I've been doing ok for the past few days but today I feel odd - very nervous and a bit panicky and I have no idea why. My head feels full & I'm light-headed. I have that 'something bad is going to happen' feel about me and I can't shake it off. Roll on 5pm! Hope you feel better. xx

10-08-12, 11:59
Hi Meche,

It's weird isn't it how it can come & go. As I said earlier on, I felt much better later in the day on the past two days but then find myself back to square one in the morning. It can be difficult to get your head round it when you don't even know why. I think alot of my issue is anxiety about my anxiety and so I get caught in a loop once it's flared up.
I'm feeling a little bit more settled now - the nausea has eased off which is always a big help. I hope that you start to feel better too as the day goes on x

10-08-12, 18:49
Hi Kell,
I know what you mean about the nausea, i have it every day & it really gets you down after a while. Every night I go to bed & say to myself " tomorrow I am not going to let this get to me" & start off quite positive, then it just seems to grind away at you.
I also go to work & try & occupy my mind but that horrid wave of sickly feeling comes, I try & eat some food but can't enjoy it, then the vicious circle starts again.Are you on any medication or not?. My doctor gave me tablets to try & settle the nausea but they did no good at all, am sure its the anxiety causing it all, but like you just wish it would go away x