View Full Version : Anxiety and dizzy

23-07-06, 09:20
Hi there one and all

Dont know if Im alone in this but this humidity,storms and heat is making me permanently dizzy sick and faint - I have already missed time off work and they reckon it will be 34 by midweek again and even more humid. Its 9am already and I feel dizzy and oppressive with the heat - help - any ideas??Love wenjoy xx

23-07-06, 11:24
I get this is the heat as do lots of others on the forum. For me, its that there is no breeze so I feel claustraphobic.
Could you get a hand held fan, maybe that would help. Drinking plenty of fluids too helps me.

Take care



23-07-06, 12:10
Hi Wenjoy,

I like you feel dizzy with this heat, just seen the weather forcast and its going to be hot again next week,
I purchased a fan from comet last week and seems to help, i dont no if its my anxiety or what but i cant stop sweating, my neck and hair are constantly wet threw, roll on the cooler weather.



Will Loynes
23-07-06, 12:30
Hi Wendy,
defo agree that the heat makes me dizzy, had a panic attack yesterday as a result. I found that opening the windows and keeping the curtains shut helps me a lot. Also I have a fan in the living room that helps. Drinking plenty of water helps, but not fizzy/ sugary drinks, they seem to provoke it!

Looking forward to cooler weather.
