View Full Version : tired, so tired

10-08-12, 13:24
I was wondering if there are any effective medications to treat GAD and panic attacks. I suffer from both and it is seriously impacting my quality of life. I do not want to be confined to the house. I want to better my life by going to college but I am terrified by all these symtoms.

Does anyone have advice? I am 49, a mother of 3, diabetic type 2.
I just want to have a life:weep:

10-08-12, 13:35
Hi got2keepmovin

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

10-08-12, 14:22
Oh babe hope you find some help, there are some brill people on here. But I am not one of them xxxxx

10-08-12, 14:34
Hi there,

Sorry to hear you're not doing too well, you really need to speak to your GP about finding a medication that works for you if you want to go down the medication route. What works for some doesn't work for others. You may be lucky and find the first drug you are given works for you or you may have to try more than one until you find one that works.

Maybe you could discuss trying therapy first to see if that is of any use before going onto medication.

Good luck

10-08-12, 15:31
Here is a hug for you:hugs:
I also suffer from anxiety, I have been on fluoxetine for 5 weeks now, I have had terrible side effects that have seemed to pass, and now I just hope I am on the right medication. The anxiety is actually almost gone, but I still feel a bit down. They say it may take 6-8 weeks before you feel the full effect...

10-08-12, 16:54

I suffer from GAD myself and the tiredness was one of the reasons I went to the doctors originally. I have tried numerous medications for it, but everyone is different so it's trial and error. There are lots of other options out there too if you don't like the idea of pills.

If you would like to talk PM me (only been on here a few days so don't have access yet to the chat room, but not long now!). I felt so stupid as there was a period I wouldn't leave the house without my mum (don't laugh I may be 32 but I'm caring for her so it's not as hinky as it sounds). But now I go to the pub quiz every Monday with my friends so I'm making progress :D.

11-08-12, 05:14