View Full Version : really bad day today

10-08-12, 14:51
Having a really bad bad day i woke up with a headache and feeling sick i was only actually sick once. all day i have had a headache which hasnt shifted with and painkillers. im working myself up so much brain tumors etc.... i have got a 4 hour drive in front of me we are going away for the weekend dont want to spoil it for my little boy. im feeling so anxious i just want to cry. :emot-fail:

10-08-12, 15:06
If you have been sick earlier make sure you rehydrate nicely and get some food in your system. A lack of both food and water can make our head ache.


10-08-12, 15:11
Hi Laura - I get headaches all the time and have the same brain tumour fear. Thing is, I've been headache free for 2 days so sensible me says it can't possibly be - it wouldn't come and go. I know what it's like to be caught up in that fear though. I've got other stuff going on today and thinking about other possibilities :doh:! Like Southey says, keep yourself hydrated and once you get busy with your little boy you'll forget all about it. Have a lovely weekend. xx

10-08-12, 19:40
Thank you guys means alot knowing thereS people here

11-08-12, 18:47
Hey Laura, I know exactly what it feels like to be like that. Ive just got rid of a 2 week long headache. It was awful, I convinced myself that I had a brain tumour. Its awful to be like this. I hate it so much :( I have two wee boys and im the same if they have a symptom. I am trying my hardest to not let myself google anything. Easier said than done.
I hope you are able to enjoy your weekend and if you'd like to chat id be glad too. Ive only joined this site and would like to meet people who understand what its like to have HA xxxx