View Full Version : *whispers* Hello.

10-08-12, 16:38
Hello all. I've joined this group because i could really use some advice.
I've been off work for 3 months now and would really like to return. I've suffered with depression all my life, but have only been on medication for about 3 years. I was taking Citalopram, but was put onto Effexor (Venlafaxine) 150mg when life got to the point i just couldn't cope any more. I thought i was unable to cope with the stress of everyday life, but my GP says its anxiety and depression. The main problem i cant seem to 'fix' is noise sensitivity. I seem to hear every single noise in the room or garden. I cant seem to block things out like i used to be able to. It is totally overwhelming to the point i have to escape to a quiet place. i can cope with 2 or 3 avaerage noise level noises, but no more. Does anyone else have any experience of this? how do you cope? My other problem seems to be claustrophobia, i have to be able to see outside pretty much the whole time. That problem i can deal with, but not the noises.
Thanks for taking the time to read this :)

10-08-12, 16:48
Hi saz44

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

11-08-12, 05:27
Hello lovely and welcome :welcome:

Your noise sensitivity and claustrophobia are symptoms of your anxiety. If you manage your general anxiety levels, these symptoms will greatly reduce. Try things to reduce your anxiety on a daily basis like a bath, walk, massage, yoga, exercise or mediation and see if you notice any improvement.

11-08-12, 08:15
Hi I can relate to the noise thing even the birds in the morning are annoying me x

11-08-12, 22:22
Hi and welcome to no more panice. I can relate to not liking noise, I get all panicy if I hear loud noises and feel people are doing it to get to me.

11-08-12, 23:29
Hi & :welcome:

I too am extra sensitive to noise with my anxiety so can relate. Also off work at the moment. You are not alone here and I'm sure you will get lots of support and advice to help you.

Kitti :)

12-08-12, 10:42
Thanks every one. It's so nice to not feel alone!
I am just getting so frustrated with not being able to do or enjoy everyday 'normal' things. I find putting the washing up away almost unbearable, especially the pots and pans as the clanging of metal is ear piercing. I would have loved to watch more of the Olympics, but the hype of the commentators sends me running! I guess I just don't understand why this has happened, and although I now know its anxiety, I dont know why. This in itself is probably making me more anxious! The medication has made a huge difference to how I feel, but I am starting to wonder if an increased dose may help me to deal with this? I know noises cannot physically hurt me, so why do I run as if my head will explode? Do I just need to retrain my brain? How???
I just want to get back to the old me so badly :(

12-08-12, 12:30
I believe that we are more 'on alert' when anxiety strikes, hence the intolerance to noise. Maybe something to do with having to be aware of our body and mind and constantly 'checking' ourselves, perhaps the noise prevents us from this alert and we are unable to process our thoughts and feelings correctly. I have found that when I am less anxoius, this sensitivity to noise decreases. The million dollar question is how to retrain the brain!!! A combination of meds and therapy may help I hope you are getting the support you need, maybe have a chat with your doctor. Kitti :) x

12-08-12, 22:23
Thanks for your reply Kitti. I was just wondering if you know of any other medications that may help me? Would an increased dose help? I am on Venlafaxine 150mg daily. I just feel that I am stuck in a rut with this stupid noise thing. I last saw my GP 2 weeks ago. I was discussing returning to work and he informed me that he would decide when i was ready, not me! He then said i still needed another month, and to come back when that was up!! I left feeling like i had been told off. I have always had an excellent relationship with him. Maybe he'd had a bad day?! I now feel permanently stuck in one :(
I have had a very frustrating day as my sanctuary (aka. the garden) has been invaded by multiple noise maker neighbours. The kids playing with a squeaky toy was the last straw, and i had to resort to headphones and gentle music. This is not something i like to do still, but at least i am in control. I felt very agitated, and found it hard to calm down.
I have had 6 sessions with a councellor, which have helped. These were provided free of charge through my employer. I had the last one a week ago. I have to leave it 4 weeks before I can become a private 'client'. Those are the rules apparently. (so 3 more to go)
I am feeling like Ive been left to fend for myself, and i know i cant do this alone. This forum has given me a lifeline, which i couldn't have found at a better time.
So sorry for the long moan, feels better for letting it all out!!!:blush:

12-08-12, 22:46
I am currently on diazepam which does help me, but I know many doctors won't prescribe it. I don't really know anything about vanlafaxine, sorry. Also get yourself some of those foam ear-plugs, I have found them very helpful at times :yesyes:

I am also in the same situation as you in that my GP has signed me off work 'indefinitely' and been told that he will decide when I am ready to go back and not me...it worried me at the time but looking back I feel it's probably the right decision for me at the moment. Can you not get a referral from your GP for therapy? It will most certainly help you to have some more. 6 sessions barely touched the surface for me, so I know how you must be feeling. Perhaps you could book an appointment to discuss further options with your doc this week. No worries about the long moan....that's what this site is for. Sometimes it just helps knowing that you are not alone in your anxieties. Let me know how things go for you. Kitti :hugs: x

13-08-12, 16:17
I took your advice and went to see my GP. He was his usual helpful and kind self (phew!) We had a good chat about medication. I am now waiting for him to phone me,as he wanted to get some advice. (I am also on other medications for non mental health issues) He also gave me info about italk. I am also waiting for them to call. All this waiting certainly doesn't do my anxiety levels any good! I just want this whole nightmare to end :weep: Thanks for 'being there' for me, it really does help x :hugs:

13-08-12, 18:22
Aww, that's a really positive step, you should be really proud of yourself :yesyes:

I hope you don't have to wait too long for the calls, keep me posted either here or feel free to PM me anytime. Thinking of you, Kitti :hugs: x