View Full Version : Starting to piss others off with my HA

10-08-12, 18:05
HA is a bitch! Not only is it affecting me but it's also affecting people around me! My parents are close to not talking to me because they feel I'm being so silly and irrational! My bf thinks I need help ! And now my friends at work are starting to get the hump!
My obsession with lymes disease has seriously got out of hand. My friend came back from a hiking trip and has a bite and I was so worried when I saw it yet she wasn't phased one bit! I ended up trying to persuade her to go to a and e to get antibiotics incase it's LD and she ended up telling me I'm pathetic and that she thinks I've become someone else and that all I ever focus on is illness! :(

10-08-12, 18:35
Are you getting any help for you HA as it does sound like it is out of control at the moment?

10-08-12, 18:49
No not really! As I'm pregnant I don't really want to take anything! I know it is out of control! It's ridiculous! The only thing keeping me from breaking down is my unborn baby

10-08-12, 19:33
I meant therapy not medication

10-08-12, 20:29
It really sounds as though something like CBT could help. Have you asked your GP about it? In our area it is done over the phone, you can self refer and it's free. The wait is only a week or so. I have had similar issues with people getting annoyed with my HA. I wish people could be more supportive, but I suppose to someone who hasn't experienced it, it must seem like something that we are doing on purpose or could just stop if we wanted to. You can't understand the consuming power of obsession unless you have exoerienced it.

11-08-12, 11:57
CBT will help you to rebalance your risk assessment in given situations.

E.g. Lymes disease is so rare as not to be worth bothering about.