View Full Version : feeling really anxious tonight

10-08-12, 19:47
After quite a few good days I am feeling much more anxious again tonight. I only slept for about 3 hours last night because of the pain in my foot (2 broken bones) and have felt tearful and nauseous all day. I hate feeling like this it isn't helping that I can't get out because of my foot and I am scared that I will get to the point that I will be too anxious to go out again :weep:

10-08-12, 19:59
Keep reminding yourself it is the broken bones that are keeping you indoors and not the anxiety. You are bound to feel more anxious, with the pain in your foot and lack of sleep. Try and focus your energy on something else.:hugs:

I am sure that once the bones start to heal and you are in less pain you will feel a little less stressed.

10-08-12, 20:05
Thank you BobbyDog. It has been 8 weeks now and they have not started to heal so I am worrying they won't. I am on my own most of the week because my husband works away so I have too much time to think and worry. I have read 16 books in the last few weeks...maybe I should borrow some of my dads jigsaw puzzles :D