View Full Version : going backwards

23-07-06, 10:30
Why do I seem to take 2 steps forward and 10 back I didn't feel so bad last week but I feel really awful again now shakey dizzy exhausted, feel as if I'm back to square 1

23-07-06, 10:46
Hi Sherlock,

I'm sure lots of us on here know exactly what you mean! Its that roller coaster ride feeling....just when you think its going smoothly, along comes a dirty big bump lol! Seriously though you will get periods where you feel better and then times when you feel you've slid backwards....I think the trick is to accept the bad times as 'blips', they happen and they dont mean you are back to square one (I felt just like you and used to feel so hopeless about it all but I'm learning....slowly).

Sometimes I wonder if these setbacks actually are actually essential to our recovery because we learn new coping skills and grow stronger as we get through them (I know it doesnt feel like that, but just a thought).

Anyway the good thing about this forum is that we can all support you when you hit a 'blip' and share your success when your doing well. I, for one have definitely been there!

Take care

Coni x

Will Loynes
23-07-06, 12:45
Hi Sherlock,
definately think its part of the healing process, but isnt it frustrating. It seems sometimes when we are doing well we are never going to have another panic attack, anxiety or period of depression. When we do, 'the blips', they always seem worse and undermine the progress that has been made.
Please dont be alarmed to have a blip though, you've been there before so your experience shows you that you will get through it. You havent failed, its just a bad patch, and it happens to all of us!
I hope this moment passes quickly for you, goodluck with your continued recovery.


23-07-06, 13:49
Yes Blips ..

I just give up! (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2633)

Feeling back at square one (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3188)


23-07-06, 16:01
Feelings like this are awful and make you feel negative again, but you said you felt better, so it shows you will again, we all tread water at times, keep going you are doing great!