View Full Version : Just wanted to say thanks

10-08-12, 23:27

I'm new to the site, I have been suffering with HA for years now, and the only person that really understood it was my mum because she suffered also.
I went to see my Dr about it and she pointed me in the direction of these help forums. To hear everyone's problems is heart breaking, I really feel for all the people on the site, everyday can be a struggle, and reading some of the stories I always want to reply by saying "it's just your anxiety playing up, please don't let it ruin another second of your life, let it pass and get on with being happy".....so why can't I tell myself that?
But to be honest the site has helped me greatly even though I have only been a member for a week or so, as soon as I read about Depersonalisation it all clicked in to place for me that that was one of the symptoms I suffered, to hear it had a name and I wasn't the only one that experienced it has given me the confidence to brush it off to one side any time I have those strange feelings.
Anyway, this has turned in to a bit of a rant, I only wanted to say thanks to everyone for being so supportive of each other, together we will conquer this horrible condition, some faster than others but we will get there.

Thanks again

11-08-12, 00:05
Awww what a lovely post. Thank You

11-08-12, 00:09
I too have only joined this site and it has made me feel alot better to know that I am not the only person feeling like this. I hope that one day I can over come my constant health anxiety and let myself be happy xx

11-08-12, 11:43
As much as I don't want anyone else to suffer with HA, it definitely does feel good to come on here and have other people empathising and understanding.