View Full Version : Weird feeling in neck?

11-08-12, 00:34
Hi guys,

I was just wondering if anyone else has ever had a weird feeling in their neck (mostly up the right hand side to my ear and temple)-not like pain or a trapped nerve but more like extra sensitivity? The only way I can describe it is that I feel like my neck needs to be covered up to stop it feeling weird. Kind of like I have a twitch but without the actual twitch. That is the only way I can describe it.

I only really notice it when i'm unoccupied which is what makes me think its a symptom of anxiety but obviously since I can't really describe the feeling its difficult to find out whether it could be a symptom of anything!

Would appreciate any help.

11-08-12, 02:01
I sometimes get a feeling on the right side of my neck that It's going to stiffen up, it never does just an odd feeling. It comes and goes. Tension no doubt :(

03-02-13, 05:40
Been a while since you posted this, so hopefully you no longer have this issue. But I had this for a while and found it was due to my wisdom teeth.