View Full Version : hi, just going to introduce myself

11-08-12, 02:21
hi, im molly and im 24.

i feel as though i have suffered from depression/anxiety for a long time looking back. it came to a head about 3 months ago when i just felt so low as if i wasn't worth anything and as though i couldn't cope with anything including going to work and day to day tasks. i just wanted to be left alone to sleep. i was also crying all the time, bursting into tears over tiny things. i didnt want to talk to anyone as i felt embarrassed.

my boyfriend persuaded me to go to the doctors, my gp prescribed me citalopram for depression. when she increased the dose it helped at first but then i started to have uncontrolled panic and anxiety. the gp has increased the citalopram again to 30mg and i am waiting for a counselling/CBT appointments.
i have been off work for a few weeks and im currently doing a phased return with reduced hours.

i found this site from browsing on google. i hope i will be able to get advice, share experiences and find ppl to talk openlyto. also hoping to share with and help others if i can.

11-08-12, 02:35
Hi molly1

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

11-08-12, 05:08
Hello lovely & welcome :welcome:

It sounds like you are taking positive steps to manage your anxiety. Good for you! I look forward to chatting and hearing about your progress.

11-08-12, 07:49
thank you for the welcome
i am really glad i came across the website, i didn't realise how many people are struggling with similar problems! already feel not as alone.