View Full Version : Tight chest and breathlessness

11-08-12, 07:31

For about 2 weeks I have had breathlessness, especially when I move or do something quick. Even getting out of the car quickly can cause it. The thing is that I have been the least anxious I have felt in a long time so it is typical this should come along now. This makes me think its not anxiety related. My chest is slightly tight but its the breathlessness that is the problem. I am 28 and used to smoke and read about lung cancer so now really worried.
I went for a swim earlier and I couldn't even do a length. Thing is, I am sure that when i think of it, its worse but not sure if that makes sense. Sure i have had this before but when really anxious. As some know, i had a worry about asbestos a few weeks back and now i am putting two and two together as well. I was just getting better :mad:

Matt King
11-08-12, 09:00
Hey Sean, glad to hear the progress you've made :)

Yes, this is very typical of anxiety. I had a terrible obsession with my heart for months, finally thought i got over it, had a week which felt brilliant, no anxiety at all. Then i started feeling dizzy with numb limbs (usually left arm/foot). It couldn't be heart problems as my brain had already figured that one out. So what could it be? MS of course. And so the obsession began.

The same thing happened again with the tight chest/out of breath not long after i gave up smoking. Walking up a hill i felt like i was surely going to have a heart attack.

Have you suddenly started drinking more caffeine?

What you have to remember is that you're over the threshold of anxiety, so new symptoms can pop up out of nowhere even if you've felt relaxed for a while. The trick is, have more of these relaxed periods and don't react to any symptoms you might have and it'll start to stick. It's so much easier said than done i know, but you can do it :)

Also try to notice whether you're breathing shallow. Breathing exercises can help. You know you don't have asbestos poisoning and if you had anything wrong with your lungs it'd be constant for months on end.

Hope that helps :)

16-08-12, 18:06
Thanks for your reply Matt,

I went to the doctors again about this yesterday. This was a new one and he wouldnt even talk to me. He said, you have already spoken to someone about this and you are FINE. He was so abrupt. I literally falsed him to check my lungs and chest.
He listened for a few seconds and said I am fine. The thing is, when this came on I was the least anxious I have been in months so why would this happening. I get out of breath even getting out of the car now. So why would this happen. Its bringing my HA back big time.
Also, I have just started proponal but will this help me? or the breathlessness. I am just taking 10mg twice a day. I may take a diazapam tonight to see if it helps.
I am sure the doctors are missing something this time and because of the asbestos scare am convincing myself its lung cancer. I smoked between 16 and 26 mostly casually and am 28 now.
Sorry to go on :weep:

16-08-12, 18:46
Thats awful the way your doctor spoke to you, things like that just make you feel worse and give you no reassurance at all :mad:
It sucks the way HA can go away and then the second you get another symptom it breaks it back i full force. I thought i was doing well until i had a headache for 2 weeks then i was a mess again. I have also been put on propananol. I am taking 10mg 3 times a day. I dont really know if its helping or not. I wonder is their even a drug that can help you not freak out when you get a symptom?? I wish their was!! I must actually ask that in the forum.....
Im wondering is 10mg enough for me or should i be on a higher dose. Then i read the label and all the side effects and i get scared to take whatever the doctor gives me lol :shrug:

17-08-12, 10:24
The side effects have scared me silly. I took 2 yesterday and 1 x 10mg this morning but want to stop now because I dont think it will help my current symptoms. But I read some horrible things about stopping but surely stopping now after only taking 3 x 10 mg will not harm me?

17-08-12, 10:35
The tablets should stop your heart from racing.
I started feeling breathless and it was due to heart palpitations and my heart racing.
My doctor heard them and sent me to the hospital for more tests.

It does seem like you might be getting a racing heart too, it's not dangerous, just another anxiety symptom.

You could get a second opinion if you feel that your doctor isn't listening to you.

If you are low in certain things too, it can bring on your symptoms, I was low in calcium the first time it happened.
So take a good mulitivitamin that has everything in it for a while to see if it helps.
Or those Complan type drinks are good too.

Also try omega 3 as it's good for anxiety, and eat probiotic yougurts or buy the pills.
New studies show your body reacts better to stress if you have that good bacteria in your gut, also antibiotics are said to kill off this good bacteria so that too can increase your anxiety

17-08-12, 10:43
Thanks for the reply,

I have just started taking vitamins and am eating better. Doctors are fed up with me now and it is depressing. I just want this breathlessness to stop. I really cant understand it. Even standing up is a pain. I have only ever had this when really anxious but have felt so much better lately. I googled breathlessness the other day stupidly and it made me worse which I know was silly. I honestly think somethings wrong. Does anyone think that just my listening tot he chest etc that the doctor can be sure nothings wrong?

17-08-12, 12:29
i am the same at the mo my chest feels so full of mucus that i cant bring up doc just says inhale steam which ive tried with no effect. i gag morning and night and sumtimes i bring fluid up never food. docs wont xray my chest am so fed up:mad: i have to try and force myself to cough and the mucus comes up in my throat but it wont go any further to get it up.

17-08-12, 13:08
hiya willous,,i had a throat infection the other week that gave me a slight cough and also made me slightly breathless,,by the end of the week it was a different matter because id focused on this cough so much ,,i was struggling all day ,,id wake tight chested and found breathing hard,,it was just anxiety ,,dont know about anyone else but anxiety is sometimes worse than a full blown panic attack,,a panic attack as awful as it feels blows over,,anxiety ive had constant for days ,,and it can be the slightest trigger,,a change in my routine,,a new place anything,,so i can feel really relaxed in myself or think i am ,,but anxiety is always in the background for a nervy person,,keep your head up it will pass mine has this weeks anxiety miss beats next week will be something else you will come through it though:hugs:

18-08-12, 10:27
Thanks for the replies. Does anyone know if a doctor would be able to tell just from listening to the chest if there could be any problems. Its the breathlessness more than anything which is causing me to feel worse.

18-08-12, 11:15
the doc will hear u weezing if they listened to your chest

18-08-12, 17:33
Thanks for the reply but do you think they can tell by listening if its anxiety related or anything to look into as he seemed so casual but to me this is a nightmare. I am constantly thinking about my breathing.

23-08-12, 13:08
Hi, still getting out of breath easily and don't know whether to go back to the doctors or not. In really want to know if a doctor can tell my listening to your chest if they would need to look further into it or if its fine. That would put my mind at ease as I just think there ignoring it because of my health anxiety-

rachel m
23-08-12, 15:45
hi. DONT WORRY you are going to be ok. the answer to your question is yes the dr can tell if theres anything wrong by listening to your chest. Your lungs react to anxiety just the same as any other part of your body. You may feel the inability to take in a deep breath but you will always be able to get enough air. can i suggest a book to you its been an absolute godsend to me. PASS THROUGH PANIC by dr claire weekes. You can get it on Amazon. you can also get it in audio version. she will explain as if she realy is just talking to you. In it she explains to you about your breathlessness and what your lungs are up to. give it ago. hope your feeling better soon :)

17-09-12, 07:40
Hi everyone. I have been off the internet ages as HA quite bad and been trying to block everything out but not working. I am still breathless when I do anything like walk up a few stairs etc. The last doctor didn't even check me but did not explain what it could be? I'm scared lifeless of lung cancer because of the asbestos scare 3 months ago and the fact I used to smoke. If this could go away I could maybe move forward. I have just started a new job which is Mon to Fri and not that near to where I love so anxious that I can't go to the doctors easily.

17-09-12, 19:20
And does anyone know if you can do lung cancer tests privately

---------- Post added at 19:20 ---------- Previous post was at 17:30 ----------

Can anyone help?

17-09-12, 19:35
If you're still having breathlessness episodes then go back to your GP just to double check, as an infection can be missed if it's early days. However there can just as easily be other causes for your breathlessness, for example, if you have a wheeze it could be asthma, and speaking from experience asthma will produce a wheeze and a productive cough, especially at night time, or it could be a general fitness thing.

In the mean time, do deep breathing exercises help you? I find they help me as they release a lot of tension. Try getting a cool dark room and do some deep breathing.

Also I saw someone mention inhaling steam to clear mucus. That is a good idea if you do have the mucus there, otherwise try normal over the counter decongestants, or if you have the cash, try a dehumidifier that can help.

17-09-12, 21:31
Thanks, I have no cough or wheezing at all and my only symptom is the breathlessness. 3 doctors have told me its nothing but not looked into it. it is nlnot an infection if that's only symptom I think. Just scared its to do with asbestos. I can't enjoy life at all again. I am so depressed. I am especially worried as my anxiety really calmed down when this started.

---------- Post added at 21:31 ---------- Previous post was at 19:41 ----------

I just want to live, I can't take this anymore

18-09-12, 13:10

18-09-12, 13:32
I have had this quite a lot. I smoked over ten years ago and I have not been near asbestos. I felt as if a metal chain was around my chest and that I had to force myself to breathe.

I think you need to rule out a medical cause. The thing is with the brain is that if it thinks something is threatening, such as pain, or cancer, then it will focus on it. If you are worried you have lung cancer, then your brain will focus on your breathing more than usual and your breathing will feel weird even if it is fine, just simply because you are focusing on it.

So tell your doctor that you need to rule a medical cause out. Be firm and do not leave until you get a chest x-ray, or whatever is necessary. Once you have ruled out cancer etc, then you may find that your brain is naturally less focussed on your breathing and you will therefore feel less breathless. I hope this helps.

Best wishes,

18-09-12, 17:15
Thank you. I just hate health anxiety so much. It won't leave me alone. I'm fine when in not doing anything. But even at 28 I can't even walk up a small hill etc. I try not to google but hope that it reassures me but it never does. Its a weird sensation. Not really a tight chest but just breathlessness and annoying. I just want to give up and can't enjoy life anymore. Sometimes you think its just too much hassle. HA ruins everything. I have just started a new job and this is ruining it already like alzheimers and asbestos anxiety ruined my last job. This time I know its not normal though as came out of nowhere.

18-09-12, 17:29
what do you mean by alzheimers? you do not have that do you?

it is awful, but it will get better, you will be ok. Keep messaging me if it helps and get that doctor to give you a proper check up, so you will not worry about the breathing anymore.

I notice my breathing more when I am exercising, as it is slightly different.

Best wishes,

18-09-12, 18:10
Thank you. No I was sure I had it but it was just the HA. It wasn't until I thought I may have been near asbestos one day that I forgot about the alzheimers because the fear for asbestos took over. Its crazy. I have just started a new job which is Mon to Fri which makes it harder to go doctors which could be a positive or negative thing.

18-09-12, 22:59
I have been there! I have convinced myself that I have a learning disability, that I am psychotic! All sorts! But I realised that I cannot have everything!I used to keep a diary of all the illnesses I thought I had and then I would look back months/ years later and realise that I had convinced myself of it, but I did not have it!

One thing I have learnt is that if something is wrong, you will feel so bad you would know xxxx

19-09-12, 12:29
Thanks for the reply. I have convinced myself I have had so much but this seems so real due to the aspestos worry.
Has anyone else had this breathlessness when they do something only. But over a period?

19-09-12, 17:11
Has anyone else had this? Could it be lung cancer?

Matt King
19-09-12, 17:23
What tests have your doctor/s done on you?

Also just wondering, are you a smoker?

19-09-12, 18:20
No gave up a year and a half ago. No tests done, just listened to chest. Jesus, should I worry.

20-09-12, 07:34
I have started googling again. I know I sound like a freak but im really not. My 7th day at new job and I've had to call in sick. This has ruined my life and my familys, I just can't do this anymore. 3 doctors have told me they won't test and listened to my chest etc and said its anxiety. But I don't understand as its just when im doing something. Wouldn't it be just in bits and bobs when I feel a anxious. But no its when im doing something like walking up a hill. I just don't want to do this anymore.

20-09-12, 08:43
Do you have any other symptoms? Have you lost weight or been coughing up blood? If not it is unlikely to be cancer.

I really think you should see your doctor and tell him/her how you are feeling xxxx

20-09-12, 16:09
No putting on weight if anything and not coughing at all so no other symptoms.

---------- Post added at 12:59 ---------- Previous post was at 11:37 ----------

Is that a good sign? I have had this about a year ago when anxious but not for as long. Plus I was less anxious when this started?

---------- Post added at 16:09 ---------- Previous post was at 12:59 ----------

can anyone help?

Matt King
20-09-12, 18:44
You have to understand doctors have to have years and years of training before they can even diagnose a patient. They know what they're doing. But maybe changing GPs so you can get some tests done even just to put your mind at ease might be an idea?

Anxiety really can do strange things to you. Whenever i walk up hills i feel the same. It's almost like anxiety tricks you into forgetting walking uphill can be hard work...and that you're going to die.

20-09-12, 19:32
But even walking up a flight of stairs does it to me. I try telling myself its just how im breathing or something. Three doctors have told me same thing. Last year I only had ot whilst really anxious. I can't even go gym now. Is it really worth this misery. I don't think I can go back to work. Sounds extreme but I can't move for fear today. I tried jogging down the road and was out of breath.

21-09-12, 11:53
Today I am making myself worse and the anxiety is making me even more breathless.

25-09-12, 18:46
Hi everyone, my breathlessness is worse. Can this really be HA? I have also got a cold chest feeling when I breath in today with sickness and a bad tummy. Does that sound seperate. Please can someone help me. I am 28 and have no life now.

25-09-12, 18:54
It sounds like anxiety to me. But only your doctor can diagnose as I am not a doctor. However, I have had times when i have focussed on my breathing and every subtle change made me panic, and so the breathing changed. It was a vicious cycle. I am being sent for a chest x ray and had an asthma test today, but it concluded that I do not have asthma, so I am fine.

I think the thing to remember is that you will be ok whatever happens. If it is a medical condition, it will only get worse and you will start weezing and coughing up blood. However, if it is anxiety, you can get that treated too.

I hope that helps.

Sally xxxxxxxx

25-09-12, 19:24
Thanks, my app is not until next Thursday though. I just want to be normal again. Why did the doctors say I was fine without looking at me. If something is wrong it won't be fair

25-09-12, 19:41
You have to trust the doctors. If iwas a doctor, I would not want to get a diagnosis wrong, for fear of being struck off! so they must know what they are doing.

Let me know how you get on at the appointment xxxxxx

25-09-12, 21:13
Thanks supersal. I really do appreciate it. I know I need to listen to the doctors but my HA has been unbearable for so long now, that its so hard. Will let you know how I get on. Thanks for caring! :bighug1:

25-09-12, 21:17
That's ok. I have been there! If it does turn out to be anxiety let me know and I can send you some resources. Xxxxxx

25-09-12, 22:27
Have you had a chest x ray ? It shows up most problems.
Are you unfit?
I am plus I get heart palps and I get breathless very easy too.
The other thing is if your low on iron that might be a cause too.
If I focus on my breathing I feel breathless or my chest feels too tight, I find breathing through my nose helps, chewing gum too :)

02-02-13, 14:18
i am in the same boat found this post by googling my symptoms i to have ha that comes out of nowhere and i have been there thinking oh god i have lung cancer brain tumor copd ect in fact i cant watch hospital programes now as i hear the symptoms and spend months worrying i have watever they talk abt!!