View Full Version : 10 days on Cipralex and still feeling rubbish

11-08-12, 08:01
Hi all, I am getting very fed up with this now. I realise these meds can take up to two weeks to kick in but so far it's all side effects and no benefits. Nausea, diarrhoea, dry mouth, can't eat till lunch time, waking at 4.30 with shocks of panic running through me, no enthusiasm to do anything, so tired it's an effort to walk down the road to the shop, dozing off during the day, working is a struggle though I am keeping up with it. I don't start to feel any better till it's nearly bedtime, then am almost reluctant to go to bed because I know what I have to look forward to in the morning! Sorry for the moan but just hoping some of you can relate to this and reassure me that it is worth persevering!

11-08-12, 08:25
yes keep persevering, ive been on this for 4 months on 20mg and its been really good...... hang in there! really good for your anxiety....... if your still feei
ling like this in a few weeks check in with your Gp.

what dose are you on by the way?

11-08-12, 08:50
Thanks! I'm just on 5 mg. I did take Cipralex the other year and started on 10 mg but found it was making me too sleepy so reduced to 5 mg. As I remember I didn't have a great time with the side effects then either, but it's all a blur in my memory now.

11-08-12, 11:26
Im on day 7 of 5mg and really struggling too :( Just a waiting game I suppose. Really disturbing dreams, shaking, poor sleep horrible thoughts. seems so unfair we have to go through this. Throughly fed up and upset with it all too x

11-08-12, 13:01
i am on 5mg too and my appeltite isnt good

12-08-12, 11:14
Awww it's such a shame you are feeling like this. It can take up to 4 weeks for you to start feeling better. 5mg is a relatively low dose so your GP may want to up it when you are starting to feel the benefits, but you may stay on that dose if it's working for you. I would persevere with the side effects, hang in there and give it a little more time.
I have been on this med for quite some time and they have done me the world of good, I'm on 20mg and started on 10mg. They are very good for anxiety and panic attacks, I haven't had a panic attack for a year or so now.
I really hope you start to feel better soon sending hugs :hugs:

12-08-12, 16:34
I started on 20mg of Citalopram and although my side affects weren't that bad, I remember them lasting over 2 weeks. I think the fact you are having side affects is a good sign; shows they are really making a change in your system (that is only my opinion though, I'm no expert).
Hang in there another couple of weeks and just try to tell yourself it's going to be worth it.