View Full Version : Help newbee and desperate xxxxx

11-08-12, 09:28
Hi im new here and i really need help. I have suffered from panic on and off for years but i have had extra heart beats for the last 10 yrs on and off to. The problem is up till a few months ago i seemed to cope ( well still could go certain places and needed to be where i could get some sort or medical help ) but i could still get on with my life . I collapsed and my children had to phone an ambulance couple of months ago because my heart was beating weird ( yes i MAJOR paniced ) have had many tests and they cant find anything serious . I cant accept this i wait every day for the funny beat to kill me . I wait and wait and wait and panic if i have a one. I now cant be alone with the kids incase im ill , i cant go into shops incase i panic , driving is a nightmare alone, i cant go anywhere other than work without the husband ( i work in a building with many doctors and nurses ) . Im sitting writing now waiting to feel ill . Im waking in a morning predicted the worst kind of day and sure enough it happens. I have a follow up at the hospital on monday with cardiology . But i know if he says your fine thats it what the hell do i do . I have been on prozac for a year which i believe dont help i used to take citalopram and i think i should re strat those . The doctor tried to give me a week of diazepam but i refuse to take them with the kids. I TRULY believe i have a heart problem that will kill me . I have been reading health aniexty books , panic attack books . Doing the charts they advise and it does sound like me to a T. Does anyone here experience the heart thud pause big thud feeling. Mine doe increase as the panic increases its a vicious circle and i feel helpless i have no life . SCARED .xx

11-08-12, 09:40
Hi marie1981

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

11-08-12, 10:22
hi Marie this is a great site I'm sure it will help reasure you my name is Denise xx:welcome:

11-08-12, 12:12
Hi Marie,
I get these strange heart rhythms too, I can miss a few beats then get a thud and my stomach seems to hit the floor and then my heart speeds up for a few minutes. It happens periodically sometimes not for days or weeks but somedays it goes on for hours. I have had a scan of my heart which shows a minor heart murmur and irregular heart beat but I am told it is not dangerous.

I believe that I am predisposed to these ectopic beats/palpitations but anxiety and the adrenaline this causes definately makes it worse for me. I have learnt not to focus on them or react to them if possible, I notice them but that's all. I know some things that cause mine - caffiene, alcohol and chinese/thai food and have cut down on all of these. Interestingly my brother is the same, if he eats a 'heavy' chinese meal he shakes, sweats and gets palpitations - I think it's a genetic sensitivity.

I can relate to your story, a few years ago I didn't feel safe to left alone with my children in case 'it happened', I truly believed I was dying, I felt so unwell but I recovered and you will too. Last year I ran a marathon, something I have always wanted to do and although I am getting more palpitations now and struggling to walk more than a mile, I remind myself that if I ran 26.2 miles last year, my heart is OK.

My advice would be to cut down on possible triggers - alcohol, caffiene, MSG, energy drinks etc.
Try to find a balance between expending energy and relaxation, go for a walk or exercise everyday but also practice deep breathing and relaxation.
Look at medication - Propanolol helps me but Prozac didn't. Diazepam is great in emergencies, I was scared of taking them at first but found them them mild and always feel in control and able to cope, relaxed but 'normal' after taking them.
Avoid a low blood sugar by eating regularly and avoid dehydration - I always feel them more when I'm dehydrated.
Try to manage your stress:D(always makes me smile that one)
Finally, distract yourself, talk to others and keep busy, it's great that you're still working, I imagine that's been a struggle sometimes so well done. You will still get some strange heart rhythms but hopefully the cardiologist will say it's nothing harmful and you can manage the symptoms.

Feel free to message me
Love Sam

13-08-12, 19:39
Hi Marie,

I can't go anywhere alone either..I started with panic 5 years ago..but I'm a hell of a lot better now than I was in the beginning..I can really feel your fear about the heart beats..somehow some way you need to find a way to reassure yourself your heart is fine..I honestly think if you've had these irregular beats for 10 years and they were anything sinister it would have happened by now..I feel so sad reading your post..I wish I had something to say to help you.. I know you've read lots of books..what about 'At last a life' by Paul David? have you read that book? people will think I have shares in this book the way I harp on about how good it is..but it changed my life..I bought it off ebay I don't think you can get it anywhere else....I was also given a weeks worth of Diazepam..that really really helped me..but I do totally understand you not wanting to go down that road..anyway all the very best Marie.