View Full Version : Anxious eyes

11-08-12, 09:49
Hi, people. I'm glad I registered, this looks like a nice place.

I'm in my 30s and from the North of Italy. I've been suffering from anxiety since I was a teenager. I've also had times when I felt great, but the last years have been hard. My father died, I was 2 years unemployed, I bought a house, then I started working as a freelance... I miss my carefree, optimistic self who always saw a way out of things.
The most stressful event though was my mum getting double (!) surgery and then chemo this year (thankfully she seems to be ok now). I was doing fine until, 6 months ago, my old vision disturbances went crazy. I've always had visual snow, light sensitivity and related disturbances, but I used to live with them. I've been to 2 eye doctors (+ a puzzled neurologist) and they both said it's stress (the second one prescribed me some specific supplements and artificial tears). It took me a while to convince myself it's indeed stress and anxiety playing tricks on my mind. Reading forums like this one helped me indeed. Now I'm getting slowly better (even though the Italian summer, with its heat and constant sunlight, is not good for one's eyes. As if it wasn't my least favorite season already...)

Bye and good luck to everyone.

11-08-12, 10:03
Hi OliviaD

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

11-08-12, 10:13
hi olivia glad you found this site :welcome:my name is Denise xx

11-08-12, 20:44
Hello x

12-08-12, 10:29
Thanks everybody!

13-08-12, 19:56
my eyes get like that all the time like ihave to squint all the timewhen its bright. Then that makes me get a bad head and just totally makes my anxiety worse. It can get that bad that i have to wear sunglasses just so they feel like normal. Its horrible x

14-08-12, 13:45
I don't think it's the same thing... At worst I see a sort of vortex-like movement in the sky and in front of me (now I only see it in the sky, when it happens, but still I don't spend much time outside). And I have increased Scheerer's phenomenon. It's horrible, even if I know it's nothing serious.