View Full Version : Am i wrong?

23-07-06, 15:52
This morning i woke up dizzy and with an awful migrain. I took a bath only to hear mum shouting to dad about me "she's not gonna do ought, shes getting a f*****g bath now" blah blah blah. I thought the bath would get rid of my migrain {massaging my head as i wash kinda thing} anyway, it didnt, i feel sooo bad, im dizzy, my heads pounding {hurts to look at this screen} and i got crmps too {i posted before about my period due, i only get them every 2-3 months or so} Anyway, mums flipping out cos i havent doen anything, am i wrong? all i wanna do is curl up in silence {everyones playoing music,dads drilling and mums watching cartoons{she always does, makes time go faster she says} and davids revving the motor bike. Am i wrong to be seeking silence? or should i be cleaning?
Becci x

Will Loynes
23-07-06, 16:16
Hi Becci,
its wierd that people think of migraine as just another headache. From experience I know that it affects every nerve in the body and is the most horrible experience.
try not to worry about what is happening around you and just deal with the migraine and getting some comfort for yourself. Dont feel bad, the housework will still be there tomorrow!

Hope you feel better soon

Will :)

24-07-06, 14:18
nothing you can do with a migraine but lie in a dark room, i sometimes find using a frozen migraine pack (sorry cant think of what they're really called) but it stays in the freezr until i need it. a lot of times it freezes my head and relieves some of the pain. if i feel one coming on i use forehead but it doesnt always work