View Full Version : Ciprofloxacin

11-08-12, 13:40
Anyone took this? I was given this for a sinus infection, took one pill yesterday and have felt awful ever since, had a look around online and have seen reports of people getting long term side effects from it, so I've decided not to take anymore and i'll ask doc for somthing else on monday

Just wondering how long the nausea/dizziness is likely to last after just the one dose if anyones got any experiance? Its been almost 24 hours since I took the pill and still feeling rough

Cheers (I dont have health anxiety just didnt really know where else to post it)

11-08-12, 14:13
I have taken it many times with no long term effects and no real side-effects at the time either.

11-08-12, 14:40
Cheers for the reply, obviously everyone reacts differently, any idea how long somthing like this would stay in your system?

11-08-12, 16:00
Not sure but are you sure it is the drug and not because you expected side-effects so brought them on if that makes sense?

11-08-12, 16:25
Nah, I'm 100% its the pills, I didnt read anything or suspect any side effects, I've took antibiotics plenty of times before and had no reaction (although not these ones), so I didnt think anything of taking them until I started to feel rough about 2 hours after the pill

It feels like a diffrent kind of nausea than the one i get with anxiety if that makes any sense

11-08-12, 16:27
Are you going to see doc and get some others?

11-08-12, 16:56
Yea planning to on monday, Dont suppose you know of anything thats good for nausea? (Medical or otherwise) :D

11-08-12, 17:54
Well milk helps me. Some people say tonic water. Eat little and often as well

11-08-12, 21:15
Cocacola helps me and a ginger biscuit hth x

27-07-18, 03:06
I was prescribed these antibiotics to treat a UTI but I'm scared to take them because the scary side effects it has. I already have joint pain and I'm scared it'll make it worse or give me some neurological damage :(

27-07-18, 03:26
I'd try eating some yogurt with probiotics. An upset stomach from antibiotics is often because it kills your good gut bacteria. If you eat some yogurt and other mild foods you should feel better. I've never had any especially ill effects from Cipro, but all antibiotics make me feel a bit off if I don't eat enough with them or take a probiotic.

27-07-18, 03:42
I'd try eating some yogurt with probiotics. An upset stomach from antibiotics is often because it kills your good gut bacteria. If you eat some yogurt and other mild foods you should feel better. I've never had any especially ill effects from Cipro, but all antibiotics make me feel a bit off if I don't eat enough with them or take a probiotic.

Hi Erin!! Thank you so much for replying! That's such a a good idea! Unfortunately I'm away and didn't bring my female health probiotics :( and can't go out cause it's already late. I heard cranberry juice is good as well. The pain in my lower back is making me feel miserable and I really want to take the Cipro but my fears of catching the side effects weigh more :( I read they could happen even at the inmediately after taking them by mouth. Ugh one can't ever win. i just hope it doesn't go to my kidneys, recently a girl at my college died from that :( Tomorrows I'll probably buy some lighter antibiotics.