View Full Version : Dissapointed!!

Will Loynes
23-07-06, 16:32
Hi all,
this has been my best year by far, for the last five or six years I have really struggled with panic, anxiety and depression, though I suffered for much longer the intensity has dramatically escalated.
This year though my CBT, my Meds and my own energies have got me back to work, out of the house and starting to feel human and accepted again.
Unfortunately this week I have really struggled, I've cried, been constantly anxious and had a few strong panic attacks. I have found it very upsetting, but I know I will get through it, I always do!
The problem I always seem to have is the lethargy and fatigue that always seems to follow these episodes.
My worst day, I think, was thursday. I was in the chat room and totally froze, it was like being absolutely exposed. I felt is if everyone could see me. Its one of the problems I have suffered with, almost like I have a neon sign above me saying 'This is the Freak'. I've been lucky in finding some really helpfull support on NMP, thank you all!!
Am really anxious at the moment because I dont want to lose momentum. I know this is only a blip, but I am really scared of sliding back to being locked away in my bedroom, ignoring the phone and being lonely again.
And I waffle badly when Im anxious! Sorry!


23-07-06, 16:40
Hi Will,

Firstly that neon sign your talking about stays above my head and I don't share lol. You are such a lovely person and have helped me loads of times when Ive been feeling down. In a few days time your going to look back and say to yourself thank god that wee blip I had is over. Your strong Will and you dont waffle cos thats my job.

Thinking of you


Sue K with 5
23-07-06, 16:59
Hi Will

I am really sorry that this week has been hard for you but like Man says it is just a blip honey and you will move on from this.

We all have that neon sign so your not alone i promise you, Man's sign should today say "in recovery hangover" . we all have our own demons and fears and you have come so far forward, dont let that one experience set you back.

Take it as a learning curve and work with it. I speak from someone who spent many years dealing with the fears, unfortunately I am still working on my issues as are many others, but i have seen the light before and i am determined to see it again.

Sue with 5


23-07-06, 20:14
Hi Will,

I am so sorry you have had a bad week, you always end though with positives thoughts! I know you will come through this and you have many friends on here to help you and I hope I am one of them. (If you want I just came back from vacation and have a real funny one to tell you if you feel like a laugh).


"Our thoughts are our reality"