View Full Version : citalopram, CBT?

11-08-12, 19:41
My Dr prescribed me citalopram. I have taken one tablet but I am really not sure if I want to be on them. My anxiety is horrible but I am also scared of the side effects, scared they won't wprk, scared of getting off them, also I have been put on a CBT programme. It hasn't started yet but how will I know if it's the CBT that's helping or the medication? I have been on Prozac before and even though the side effects were horrible, they wore off after the first couple of weeks and it really helped me. With this medication though I am worried it might not work as well. The one tablet I have taken has just made me feel woozy and spaced out so far.

12-08-12, 11:50
My anxiety is a million times worse today, don't know whether it's worth me carrying on with the tablets, am wondering about doing the CBT first. I just don't know what to do for the best.

12-08-12, 12:02

It all depends on what dosage you are taking of citalopram i take 20mg daily and find its very good at keeping things under control,its worth talking to your GP about it who might up it if you ae on a low dose.

As for CBT i was informed its best if the illness is under control before you embark on it,but your GP should be able to give you more details.

Al the best richard.

12-08-12, 13:03
I am on 20mg, that's really interesting about the illness being under control before you start CBT, I hadn't thought about it like that, thanks.