View Full Version : i survived weekend away

23-07-06, 16:52
Hi everyone

I am just back from a weekend conference with 60 other people and I coped! - well just about - i got back in one piece but i found it really difficult at times. All my fears cropped up. We stayed at uni campus so 6 of us sharing one commune dodgy shower and toilet! I was sharing with 4 guys and 1 women but I knew all of them so we just made the best of a bad situation and had a laugh. Lots and lots of corridors (my big fear)! Had to eat meals with everyone. Sitting in lectures and working in groups with people i didnt know. Socialising at night in the pub. Journey in a minibus on motorways.

I totally relied on Bach rescue remedy and CBT - Im now home - totally exhausted and a bit emotional that I went - but I keep asking myself - Why do I put myself into these situations. When I was there, I spoke to a few people who were like me, scared and they were having bad panic attacks but EVERYONE got through it and no-one passed out or died or had a heat attack or any of the irrational fears we were all going through.

I keep telling myself that this can only get easier with practice!!!!!


........life is for living not just for surviving

Sue K with 5
23-07-06, 16:55
Well done you! Blimey you should be celebrating, you did fantastically well!![8D]

Look at the whole weekend as a huge boost and a step forward into the next stage of yoyur recovery

I am really chuffed for you keep it up

sue with 5


23-07-06, 17:18
Well done on coping so well

Sounds like a big achievement to me!


23-07-06, 19:10
Well done DarkAngel, you went, you coped, you conquered

Clare x

23-07-06, 19:15
Well done mate - you be proud, be very proud!!!!:D

Love Piglet

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

23-07-06, 20:11
Well done you thats a huge achievement,

You go girl, onwards and upwards from now on eh

Take care

Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

23-07-06, 20:38
Well Done hun,

That's fab news. You did really great.

Your right though what we put ourselves through! pure torture huh!

Take Care,

Love PIP'S X X X X

23-07-06, 23:41
well done you did so well and it is a big achievement
be proud

emily xxxx

if it looks like it works and feels like it works then it works!!!

24-07-06, 03:37
Great job, sounds like a rough weekend to me! I agree with Emmy, be very proud of yourself!!!


"Our thoughts are our reality"